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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A 3D-printed biomaterials-based platform to advance established therapy avenues against primary bone cancers Lahr, Christoph A.

118 C p. 69-82
2 A modular design strategy to integrate mechanotransduction concepts in scaffold-based bone tissue engineering Entezari, Ali

118 C p. 100-112
3 Amplified morphogenetic and bone forming activity of amorphous versus crystalline calcium phosphate/polyphosphate Müller, Werner E.G.

118 C p. 233-247
4 A multifunctional electrowritten bi-layered scaffold for guided bone regeneration Lian, Meifei

118 C p. 83-99
5 Application of elastin-like biopolymer-conjugated C-peptide hydrogel for systemic long-term delivery against diabetic aortic dysfunction Lee, Ah-Jun

118 C p. 32-43
6 Collagen denaturation is initiated upon tissue yield in both positional and energy-storing tendons Lin, Allen H.

118 C p. 153-160
7 Complex mechanical behavior of human articular cartilage and hydrogels for cartilage repair Weizel, A.

118 C p. 113-128
8 Complex-shaped magnetic 3D cell-based structures for tissue engineering Santos, Lúcia F.

118 C p. 18-31
9 Compositional inhomogeneity of drug delivery liposomes quantified at the single liposome level Andresen, Thomas Lars

118 C p. 207-214
10 Construction of a simple and intelligent DNA-based computing system for multiplexing logic operations Geng, Hongmei

118 C p. 44-53
11 Cytoskeleton systems contribute differently to the functional intrinsic properties of chondrospheres Gryadunova, Anna A.

118 C p. 141-152
12 Editorial Board
118 C p. i
13 Extracellular matrix derived from allogenic decellularized bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell sheets for the reconstruction of osteochondral defects in rabbits Wang, Zhifa

118 C p. 54-68
14 Lapatinib-loaded acidity-triggered charge switchable polycarbonate-doxorubicin conjugate micelles for synergistic breast cancer chemotherapy Guo, Zhihao

118 C p. 182-195
15 Material properties of interfacial films of mucoid and nonmucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates Balmuri, Sricharani Rao

118 C p. 129-140
16 On the gular sac tissue of the brown pelican: Structural characterization and mechanical properties Dike, Seth

118 C p. 161-181
17 Polymeric nanoparticles functionalized with muscle-homing peptides for targeted delivery of phosphatase and tensin homolog inhibitor to skeletal muscle Huang, Di

118 C p. 196-206
18 Scaffolds with controlled release of pro-mineralization exosomes to promote craniofacial bone healing without cell transplantation Swanson, W. Benton

118 C p. 215-232
19 Surface modification of black phosphorus-based nanomaterials in biomedical applications: Strategies and recent advances Zeng, Guodong

118 C p. 1-17
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland