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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abstracts of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Histochemistry and Cytochemistry held in the Soroka Medical Center, Beersheba, Israel on 30 May 2001 Coleman, Raymond

103 4 p. 465-480
2 Actin distribution patterns in HL-60 leukemia cells treated with etoposide Grzanka, Alina

103 4 p. 453-464
3 Effects of acid inhibition on somatostatin-producing cells in the rat gastric fundus Bolkent, Sema

103 4 p. 413-422
4 Immunocytochemical demonstration of glucose transporters in epiphyseal growth plate chondrocytes of young rats in correlation with autoradiographic distribution of 2-deoxyglucose in chondrocytes of mice Ohara, Hidetsugu

103 4 p. 365-378
5 Induction of endothelin in rat kidney after Cyclosporine A treatment Rezzani, Rita

103 4 p. 423-431
6 Joachim-Hermann Scharf, founder and editor emeritus of acta histochemica, on the occasion of his 80th birthday Peschke, Elmar

103 4 p. 349-353
7 Lack of neuronal NOS has consequences for the expression of POMC and POMC-derived peptides in the mouse pituitary Keilhoff, Gerburg

103 4 p. 397-412
8 Leprosy in Israel: an imported disease - the support of histopathological examination for its detection Lejbkowicz, Flavio

103 4 p. 433-436
9 Microautoradiographic studies of glucose uptake in skeletal muscle fibers at rest Hayasaki, Hana

103 4 p. 355-363
10 Structural examination of tryptase-, and VIP-positive mast cells in the common bile duct of patients with lithiasis Gulubova, Maya

103 4 p. 437-452
11 The absence of MyoD in regenerating skeletal muscle affects the expression pattern of basement membrane, interstitial matrix and integrin molecules that is consistent with delayed myotube formation Huijbregts, Julia

103 4 p. 379-396
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland