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                             45 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A descriptive analysis of dengue in Peace Corps Volunteers, 2000–2019 Gulley, Catherine T.

43 C p.
2 A fatal case of triple coinfection: COVID-19, HIV and Tuberculosis Ortiz-Martínez, Yeimer

43 C p.
3 A prospective observational study describing severity of acquired diarrhea among U.S. military and Western travelers participating in the Global Travelers’ Diarrhea Study Ashbaugh, Hayley R.

43 C p.
4 Assessment of the burden of malaria and bacteraemia by retrospective molecular diagnosis in febrile illnesses and first-line anti-infectives in Côte d'Ivoire Ehounoud, Bilé Cyrille Hervé

43 C p.
5 Characteristics of patients coinfected with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and dengue virus, Lambayeque, Peru, May–August 2020: A retrospective analysis Mejía-Parra, Jorge Luis

43 C p.
6 Clinical and laboratory evidence of Lyme disease in North India, 2016–2019 Vinayaraj, E.V.

43 C p.
7 COVID-19 home monitoring program: Healthcare innovation in developing, maintaining, and impacting the outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients Al-Tawfiq, Jaffar A.

43 C p.
8 Delayed large local reaction to the adenovirus-vectored (ChAdOx1) vaccine Grobusch, Martin P.

43 C p.
9 Diagnostic accuracy of fresh drooled saliva for SARS-CoV-2 in travelers Mohd Thabit, Alif Adlan

43 C p.
10 Editorial Board
43 C p.
11 Effective crisis management requires close monitoring of public reactions. The case of international travelers from South-Eastern France Peretti-Watel, Patrick

43 C p.
12 Efficacy of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19 infection: A meta-review of systematic reviews and an updated meta-analysis Chivese, Tawanda

43 C p.
13 Epidemiology and clinical features of intestinal protozoan infections detected by Real-time PCR in non-native children within an Italian tertiary care children's hospital: A cross-sectional study Venturini, Elisabetta

43 C p.
14 First detection of SARS-CoV-2 A.23.1 sub-lineage in migrants arriving to Italy via the Mediterranean Sea and public health implications Maida, Carmelo Massimo

43 C p.
15 Imported human norovirus in travelers, Shanghai port, China 2018: An epidemiological and whole genome sequencing study Zhang, Zilong

43 C p.
16 Increasing proportions of relapsing parasite species among imported malaria in China's Guangxi Province from Western and Central Africa Liu, Penglu

43 C p.
17 Is it safe to fly? Consideration of COVID-19 risk mitigation strategies from the travellers’ perspective Holdik, Elisa Nicola

43 C p.
18 Launching COVID-19 vaccination in Saudi Arabia: Lessons learned, and the way forward Assiri, Abdullah

43 C p.
19 Limited capacity of SARS-CoV-2 variants testing in Japan: A secondary analysis using publicly available data Hashimoto, Takanao

43 C p.
20 Logistic advantage of two-step screening strategy for SARS-CoV-2 at airport quarantine Yokota, Isao

43 C p.
21 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus – The need for global proactive surveillance, sequencing and modeling Al-Tawfiq, Jaffar A.

43 C p.
22 Mobile apps for travel medicine and ethical considerations: A systematic review Ferretti, Agata

43 C p.
23 Myiasis in a returning traveller Chang, Kai-Ming

43 C p.
24 [No title] Sharov, Konstantin S.

43 C p.
25 Ototoxic hearing loss from antimalarials: A systematic narrative review Dillard, Lauren K.

43 C p.
26 Out-of-hospital mortality as an indicator of health care system saturation: Two waves retrospective analysis Al Wahaibi, Adil

43 C p.
27 Parasite on board - enteric travellers in children presenting in Italy" by TMAID artist in residence Raffaela Pitzurra
43 C p.
28 Probability and estimated risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the air travel system Pang, Jenna K.

43 C p.
29 Public health implications of a new world arenavirus outbreak that occurred in Bolivia, 2019 Toledo, João

43 C p.
30 Rabies risk behaviour in a cohort of Dutch travel clinic visitors: A retrospective analysis Croughs, Mieke

43 C p.
31 Real world and hyper reality Gautret, Philippe

43 C p.
32 Respiratory infections among pilgrims at the Grand Magal of Touba: A comparative cohort controlled survey Goumballa, Ndiaw

43 C p.
33 Risk factors for and management of metronidazole-refractory giardiasis in international travellers: A retrospective analysis Peters, Tanja E.

43 C p.
34 Safety of air travel during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic Bhuvan, K.C.

43 C p.
35 SARS-CoV-2 and Dengue virus co-infection: A case from North Caribbean Colombia Villamil-Gómez, Wilmer E.

43 C p.
36 Scrub typhus: A new cause of acute undifferentiated febrile illness in Latin America? Silva-Ramos, Carlos Ramiro

43 C p.
37 Second wave of COVID-19 in India: Dissection of the causes and lessons learnt Choudhary, Om Prakash

43 C p.
38 Self-sampling kit delivered to travelers for COVID-19 testing 4 days after arrival in French Polynesia, July 2020–February 2021 Cao-Lormeau, Van-Mai

43 C p.
39 Severe meningoencephalomyelitis due to toscana virus: A diagnostic challenge Gharsallah, H.

43 C p.
40 The role of mobile phones as a possible pathway for pathogen movement, a cross-sectional microbial analysis Tajouri, Lotti

43 C p.
41 Timing of pre-exposure rabies vaccination in travellers Gozdas, Hasan Tahsin

43 C p.
42 Travel-related infection in Guangzhou, China,2009–2019 Liu, Weisi

43 C p.
43 Trends in fecal carriage of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in children before and after the implementation of international travel restrictions in response to COVID-19 Pérez-López, Andrés

43 C p.
44 Vector-borne diseases and tourism in Iran: Current issues and recommendations Soltan-Alinejad, Parisa

43 C p.
45 What causes fever in Côte d'Ivoire? Larsen, Carsten Schade

43 C p.
                             45 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland