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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adolescent girls’ physiological reactivity to real-world peer feedback: A pilot study to validate a Peer Expressed Emotion task Butterfield, Rosalind D.

204 C p.
2 Children cannot ignore what they hear: Incongruent emotional information leads to an auditory dominance in children Ross, Paddy

204 C p.
3 Children’s reasoning about the efficiency of others’ actions: The development of rational action prediction Gönül, Gökhan

204 C p.
4 Cognitive flexibility and parental education differentially predict implicit and explicit racial biases in bilingual children Singh, Leher

204 C p.
5 Cognitive prerequisites for cumulative culture are context-dependent: Children’s potential for ratcheting depends on cue longevity Wilks, Charlotte E.H.

204 C p.
6 Determining social power: Do Chinese preschoolers integrate verbal and nonverbal cues? Liu, Xiping

204 C p.
7 Do demand characteristics contribute to minimal ingroup preferences? Brew, Kerry

204 C p.
8 Editorial Board
204 C p.
9 Extended difficulties with counterfactuals persist in reasoning with false beliefs: Evidence for teleology-in-perspective Rafetseder, Eva

204 C p.
10 Fostering early numerical competencies by playing conventional board games Gasteiger, Hedwig

204 C p.
11 How does rapid automatized naming influence orthographic knowledge? Martinez, Dalia

204 C p.
12 Improving prospective memory in school-aged children: Effects of future thinking and performance predictions Cottini, Milvia

204 C p.
13 More than just accent? The role of dialect words in children’s language-based social judgments Myers-Burg, Madison R.

204 C p.
14 Neural processing of self-produced and externally generated events in 3-month-old infants Meyer, M.

204 C p.
15 Promoting prosocial behavior in toddlerhood: A conversation-based intervention at nursery Brazzelli, Elisa

204 C p.
16 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test reveals a monitoring advantage but not a switching advantage in multilingual children Czapka, Sophia

204 C p.
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland