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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A tale of two males: Behavioral and neural mechanisms of alternative reproductive tactics in midshipman fish Bass, Andrew H.

161 C p.
2 Conditioned preferences: Gated by experience, context, and endocrine systems Monari, Patrick K.

161 C p.
3 Editorial Board
161 C p.
4 Estrogenic influences on agonistic behavior in teleost fishes Stennette, Katherine A.

161 C p.
5 Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters: Sex-specific genetic architecture for fetal testosterone in a wild mammal Fishman, Ruth

161 C p.
6 Glucocorticoid response to naturalistic interactions between children and dogs Gnanadesikan, Gitanjali E.

161 C p.
7 G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) in the dorsal hippocampus regulates memory consolidation in gonadectomized male mice, likely via different signaling mechanisms than in female mice Machado, Gustavo D.B.

161 C p.
8 How new communication behaviors evolve: Androgens as modifiers of neuromotor structure and function in foot-flagging frogs Mangiamele, Lisa A.

161 C p.
9 Low dose of propyl-pyrazole-triol, an agonist of estrogen receptor alpha, administration stimulates the Coolidge effect in fadrozole-treated male rats Corre, P. Hanna C.

161 C p.
10 Neural thyroid hormone metabolism integrates seasonal changes in environmental temperature with the neuroendocrine reproductive axis Lutterschmidt, Deborah I.

161 C p.
11 Pterostilbene alleviates cafeteria diet-induced obesity and underlying depression in adolescent male Swiss albino mice and affects insulin resistance, inflammation, HPA axis dysfunction and SIRT1 mediated leptin-ghrelin signaling Patil, Rashmi

161 C p.
12 Repeated exposure to physiologically effective doses of contraceptive hormones ethinyl estradiol or levonorgestrel do not alter the reinforcing effects of a brief visual stimulus in ovary-intact rats McNealy, Kathleen R.

161 C p.
13 Social regulation of arginine vasopressin and oxytocin systems in a wild group-living fish Culbert, Brett M.

161 C p.
14 The decanoate esters of nandrolone, testosterone, and trenbolone induce steroid specific memory impairment and somatic effects in the male rat Zelleroth, Sofia

161 C p.
15 The effects of diazepam on fear extinction in nulliparous and primiparous female rats Pestana, Jodie E.

161 C p.
16 The paradox of spring: Thyroid and glucocorticoid responses to cold temperatures and food availability in free living Carneddau ponies Granweiler, Jessica

161 C p.
17 The role of exogenous testosterone and social environment on the expression of sociosexuality and status-seeking behaviors in young Chilean men Polo, Pablo

161 C p.
18 Thyroid hormone concentrations in female baboons: Metabolic consequences of living in a highly seasonal environment Gesquiere, Laurence R.

161 C p.
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland