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                             37 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Administration of intramuscular AAV-BDNF and intranasal AAV-TrkB promotes neurological recovery via enhancing corticospinal synaptic connections in stroke rats Wang, Jing

359 C p.
2 Alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist PHA-543613 improves memory deficits in presenilin 1 and presenilin 2 conditional double knockout mice Lv, Junyan

359 C p.
3 Annexin A1 upregulates hematoma resolution via the FPR2/p-ERK(1/2)/DUSP1/CD36 signaling pathway after germinal matrix hemorrhage Flores, Jerry J.

359 C p.
4 A single closed head injury in male adult mice induces chronic, progressive white matter atrophy and increased phospho-tau expressing oligodendrocytes Havlicek, David F.

359 C p.
5 BDNF guides neural stem cell-derived axons to ventral interneurons and motor neurons after spinal cord injury Li, Yuanyuan

359 C p.
6 cGAS-STING pathway aggravates early cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice by activating NCOA4-mediated ferritinophagy Li, Bingyu

359 C p.
7 Changes in the expression of endocannabinoid system components in an experimental model of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathic pain: Evaluation of sex-related differences Noya-Riobó, María Victoria

359 C p.
8 Cholestyramine resin administration alleviated cerebral ischemic injury in obese mice by improving gut dysbiosis and modulating the bile acid profile Liang, Jianhai

359 C p.
9 Chronic restraint stress promotes the tumorigenic potential of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells by reprogramming fatty acid metabolism via CXCL3 mediated Wnt/β-catenin pathway Lou, Fangzhi

359 C p.
10 Cis-p-tau plays crucial role in lysolecithin-induced demyelination and subsequent axonopathy in mouse optic chiasm Jangjoo Ghalat, Nasrin

359 C p.
11 Clinical efficacy and safety of cannabidiol for pediatric refractory epilepsy indications: A systematic review and meta-analysis Talwar, Ashna

359 C p.
12 Combination of EPC-EXs and NPC-EXs with miR-126 and miR-210 overexpression produces better therapeutic effects on ischemic stroke by protecting neurons through the Nox2/ROS and BDNF/TrkB pathways Xu, Xiaobing

359 C p.
13 Corrigendum to “Characterization of non-alpha retinal ganglion cell injury responses reveals a possible block to restoring ipRGC function” Hunyara, John L.

359 C p.
14 Cross-talk between α-synuclein and the microtubule cytoskeleton in neurodegeneration Mazzetti, Samanta

359 C p.
15 Domino reaction of neurovascular unit in neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury Xu, Jingmei

359 C p.
16 Downregulation of miR-26b attenuates early brain injury induced by subarachnoid hemorrhage via mediating the KLF4/STAT3/HMGB1 axis Huang, Zewei

359 C p.
17 Editorial Board
359 C p.
18 Efficacy of the FDA-approved cannabidiol on the development and persistence of temporal lobe epilepsy and complex focal onset seizures Reddy, Doodipala Samba

359 C p.
19 FSTL1-knockdown improves neural oscillation via decreasing neuronal-inflammation regulating apoptosis in Aβ1–42 induced AD model mice Kumari, Ekta

359 C p.
20 Glial scar survives until the chronic phase by recruiting scar-forming astrocytes after spinal cord injury Tamaru, Tetsuya

359 C p.
21 Implications of microglial heterogeneity in spinal cord injury progression and therapy Fang, Yue-Peng

359 C p.
22 Initiating daily acute intermittent hypoxia (dAIH) therapy at 1-week after contusion spinal cord injury (SCI) improves lower urinary tract function in rat Wang, Christine

359 C p.
23 Intrathecal minocycline does not block the adverse effects of repeated, intravenous morphine administration on recovery of function after SCI Rau, Josephina

359 C p.
24 Loss of cannabinoid receptor 2 promotes α-Synuclein-induced microglial synaptic pruning in nucleus accumbens by modulating the pCREB-c-Fos signaling pathway and complement system Feng, Linjuan

359 C p.
25 MicroRNA-140-5p shuttled by microglia-derived extracellular vesicles attenuates subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced microglia activation and inflammatory response via MMD downregulation Wang, Pinyan

359 C p.
26 Motor neurons transplantation alleviates neurofibrogenesis during chronic degeneration by reversibly regulating Schwann cells epithelial-mesenchymal transition Wu, Zhaoyang

359 C p.
27 Movement decoding using spatio-spectral features of cortical and subcortical local field potentials Peterson, Victoria

359 C p.
28 Patterns of NFkB activation resulting from damage, reactive microglia, cytokines, and growth factors in the mouse retina Palazzo, Isabella

359 C p.
29 Porcine spinal cord injury model for translational research across multiple functional systems Ahmed, Rakib Uddin

359 C p.
30 RGD1564534 represses NLRP3 inflammasome activity in cerebral injury following ischemia-reperfusion by impairing miR-101a-3p-mediated Dusp1 inhibition Fan, Weijian

359 C p.
31 Secukinumab alleviates cognitive impairment by attenuating oxidative stress and neuronal apoptosis via the IL-17RA/AKT/ERK1/2 pathway in a rat model of sepsis Gao, Jiamin

359 C p.
32 The pericontused cortex can support function early after TBI but it remains functionally isolated from normal afferent input Paydar, Afshin

359 C p.
33 The p75 neurotrophin receptor inhibitor, LM11A-31, ameliorates acute stroke injury and modulates astrocytic proNGF Nasoohi, Sanaz

359 C p.
34 Therapeutic and clinical foundations of cannabidiol therapy for difficult-to-treat seizures in children and adults with refractory epilepsies Reddy, Doodipala Samba

359 C p.
35 Towards a mechanistic understanding of axon transport and endocytic changes underlying paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy Shin, Grace Ji-eun

359 C p.
36 Traumatic axonopathy in spinal tracts after impact acceleration head injury: Ultrastructural observations and evidence of SARM1-dependent axonal degeneration Alexandris, Athanasios S.

359 C p.
37 T-type Ca2+ channels and inward rectifier K+ channels contribute to the orexin-induced facilitation of GABAergic transmission onto pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex of juvenile mice Luo, Fei

359 C p.
                             37 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland