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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accounting for the influence of temperature and location when predicting seagrass (Halophila ovalis) photosynthetic performance Said, Nicole E.

257 C p.
2 Arctic lagoon and nearshore food webs: Relative contributions of terrestrial organic matter, phytoplankton, and phytobenthos vary with consumer foraging dynamics McMahon, Kelton W.

257 C p.
3 Assessment of an ensemble-based data assimilation system for a shallow estuary Khanarmuei, Mohammadreza

257 C p.
4 Astronomic link to anomalously high mean sea level in the northern Adriatic Sea Valle-Levinson, Arnoldo

257 C p.
5 Can the variation of physical and biological parameters explain the distinct sessile communities from cryptic habitats across a coastal bay? Kitazawa, Karina

257 C p.
6 Dilkamural: A novel chemical weapon involved in the invasive capacity of the alga Rugulopteryx okamurae in the Strait of Gibraltar Casal-Porras, Isabel

257 C p.
7 Editorial Board
257 C p.
8 Estuarine benthic nitrate reduction rates: Potential role of microalgae? Laverman, Anniet M.

257 C p.
9 Fine-scale variability in otolith chemistry: Application to the life history analysis of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) in the Yellow Sea Wu, Rui

257 C p.
10 Frequent upwelling intrusions and rainfall events drive shifts in plankton community in a highly eutrophic estuary Valentin, Jean Louis

257 C p.
11 Habitat and humans predict the distribution of juvenile and adult snapper (Sparidae: Chrysophrys auratus) along Australia's most populated coastline Rees, M.J.

257 C p.
12 Preface: Japanese estuaries Saito, Yoshiki

257 C p.
13 Rheological analysis and rheological modelling of mud sediments: What is the best protocol for maintenance of ports and waterways? Shakeel, Ahmad

257 C p.
14 Spatial population structure of long tail hake from Southwest Atlantic and Southeast Pacific waters in young and adult stages Gorini, Federico

257 C p.
15 Species identity matters: Functional responses to warming in congeneric turfs differ from those of a canopy algae but are species-specific Provera, Isabella

257 C p.
16 Wetlands in intermittently closed estuaries can build elevations to keep pace with sea-level rise Thorne, Karen M.

257 C p.
17 Wind tides and surface friction coefficient in semi-enclosed shallow lagoons Paugam, Caroline

257 C p.
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland