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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A direct, ratiometric, and quantitative MALDI–MS assay for protein methyltransferases and acetyltransferases Richardson, Stacie L.

478 C p. 59-64
2 Alternative methods for the efficient construction of short hairpin RNA expression vectors Xu, Kun

478 C p. 23-25
3 A mass spectrometry-based method for the assay of ceramide synthase substrate specificity Luttgeharm, Kyle D.

478 C p. 96-101
4 Applications of commercial biosensors in clinical, food, environmental, and biothreat/biowarfare analyses Bahadır, Elif Burcu

478 C p. 107-120
5 Assembling the Streptococcus thermophilus clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) array for multiplex DNA targeting Guo, Lijun

478 C p. 131-133
6 A targeted metabolomics approach toward understanding metabolic variations in rice under pesticide stress Mahdavi, Vahideh

478 C p. 65-72
7 Automated capillary Western dot blot method for the identity of a 15-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Hamm, Melissa

478 C p. 33-39
8 Combining recombinant ribonuclease U2 and protein phosphatase for RNA modification mapping by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry Houser, Whitney M.

478 C p. 52-58
9 Comparison of proteases in DNA extraction via quantitative polymerase chain reaction Eychner, Alison M.

478 C p. 128-130
10 Detection of carcinoembryonic antigen using single-domain or full-size antibodies stained with quantum dot conjugates Rousserie, Gilles

478 C p. 26-32
11 Dissociation and reduction of covalent β-lactoglobulin–quinone adducts by dithiothreitol, tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine, or sodium sulfite Jongberg, Sisse

478 C p. 40-48
12 Editorial Board
478 C p. ii-iii
13 Electrochemical assay for the determination of nitric oxide metabolites using copper(II) chlorophyllin modified screen printed electrodes Balamurugan, Murugesan

478 C p. 121-127
14 Evaluating the effects of preanalytical variables on the stability of the human plasma proteome Hassis, Maria E.

478 C p. 14-22
15 Facile and sensitive detection of protamine by enhanced room-temperature phosphorescence of Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots Zhang, Zhifeng

478 C p. 90-95
16 Mass-spectrometric profiling of porphyrins in complex biological samples with fundamental, toxicological, and pharmacological applications Sullivan, Sarah A.

478 C p. 82-89
17 Parallelized small-scale production of uniformly 13C-labeled cell extract for quantitative metabolome analysis Weiner, Michael

478 C p. 134-140
18 Quantification of pyrophosphate as a universal approach to determine polymerase activity and assay polymerase inhibitors Malvezzi, S.

478 C p. 1-7
19 Sensitive detection of C-reactive protein in serum by immunoprecipitation–microchip capillary gel electrophoresis Herwig, Ela

478 C p. 102-106
20 Targeted label-free approach for quantification of epoxide hydrolase and glutathione transferases in microsomes Song, Wei

478 C p. 8-13
21 The addition of a spin column step in the telomeric repeat application protocol removes telomerase inhibitors Chen, Ying-Chieh

478 C p. 49-51
22 Using carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester to monitor intracellular protein glycation Boucher, Julie

478 C p. 73-81
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland