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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparison of cardiovascular and pulmonary morbidities and risk factors in breast cancer survivors compared to an age-matched female control group in the Lifelines prospective population cohort Spoor, D.S.

70 C p. 49-55
2 Concordance of HER2-low scoring in breast carcinoma among expert pathologists in the United Kingdom and the republic of Ireland –on behalf of the UK national coordinating committee for breast pathology Zaakouk, Mohamed

70 C p. 82-91
3 Development of the HT&Me intervention to support women with breast cancer to adhere to adjuvant endocrine therapy and improve quality of life Stewart, Sarah-Jane F.

70 C p. 32-40
4 Does age affect outcome with breast cancer? B Jackson, Emily

70 C p. 25-31
5 Editorial Board
70 C p. i
6 Investigating the prognostic value of mammographic breast density and mammographic tumor appearance in women with invasive breast cancer: The Malmö Diet and cancer study Sturesdotter, Li

70 C p. 8-17
7 Nodal response to primary systemic therapy predicts prognosis of cN3c breast cancer patients receiving multimodality therapy Li, Shuyan

70 C p. 92-99
8 Prognostic factors and clinical outcomes of breast cancer patients with disease progression during neoadjuvant systemic therapy Ling, Yun-xiao

70 C p. 63-69
9 Real-world treatment patterns of subsequent therapy after palbociclib in patients with advanced breast cancer in Japan Sawaki, Masataka

70 C p. 1-7
10 Risk-adjusted benchmarking of long-term overall survival in patients with HER2-positive early-stage Breast cancer: A Swedish retrospective cohort study Thurell, Jacob

70 C p. 18-24
11 The effect of low HER2 expression on treatment outcomes in metastatic hormone receptor positive breast cancer patients treated with a combination of a CDK4/6 inhibitor and endocrine therapy: A multicentric retrospective study Caliskan Yildirim, Eda

70 C p. 56-62
12 The long-term psychosocial consequences of screen-detected ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer Gram, Emma Grundtvig

70 C p. 41-48
13 Unleashing NK- and CD8 T cells by combining monalizumab and trastuzumab for metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer: Results of the MIMOSA trial Geurts, V.C.M.

70 C p. 76-81
14 10-Year axillary recurrence in the RACS SNAC1 randomised trial of sentinel lymph node-based management versus routine axillary lymph node dissection Campbell, Ian

70 C p. 70-75
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland