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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Do forest biorefineries fit with working principles of a circular bioeconomy? A case of Finnish and Swedish initiatives Temmes, Armi

110 C p.
2 Editorial Board
110 C p.
3 Finland's wood-frame multi-storey construction innovation system: Analysing motors of creative destruction Lazarevic, David

110 C p.
4 Finnish forest-based companies in transition to the circular bioeconomy - drivers, organizational resources and innovations Näyhä, Annukka

110 C p.
5 Forest-based circular bioeconomy: matching sustainability challenges and novel business opportunities? Toppinen, A.

110 C p.
6 Mapping forest-based bioeconomy research in Europe Lovrić, Marko

110 C p.
7 Preferable utilisation patterns of wood product industries' by-products in Finland Kunttu, Janni

110 C p.
8 Riding a Trojan horse? Future pathways of the fiber-based packaging industry in the bioeconomy Korhonen, J.

110 C p.
9 Squaring the circle: Refining the competitiveness logic for the circular bioeconomy DeBoer, Jennifer

110 C p.
10 Strategic decisions on knowledge development and diffusion at pilot and demonstration projects: An empirical mapping of actors, projects and strategies in the case of circular forest bioeconomy Hedeler, Barbara

110 C p.
11 The biorefinery transition in the European pulp and paper industry – A three-phase Delphi study including a SWOT-AHP analysis Brunnhofer, Magdalena

110 C p.
12 The role of the policy mix in the transition toward a circular forest bioeconomy Ladu, Luana

110 C p.
13 Towards a sustainable forest-based bioeconomy in Italy: Findings from a SWOT analysis Falcone, Pasquale Marcello

110 C p.
14 Towards sustainability? Forest-based circular bioeconomy business models in Finnish SMEs D'Amato, Dalia

110 C p.
15 Transforming the bio-based sector towards a circular economy - What can we learn from wood cascading? Jarre, Matteo

110 C p.
16 Unpacking the network discourse: Actors and storylines in Germany's wood-based bioeconomy Giurca, Alexandru

110 C p.
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland