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                             13 results found
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1 Costs of averting or prematurely terminating diapause associated with slow decline of metabolic rates at low temperature Toxopeus, Jantina

255 C p.
2 Critical transporters of methionine and methionine hydroxy analogue supplements across the intestine: What we know so far and what can be learned to advance animal nutrition To, Van Pham Thi Ha

255 C p.
3 Do energy reserves and cold hardiness limit winter survival of Culex pipiens? Rozsypal, Jan

255 C p.
4 Does estrogen regulate vitellogenin synthesis in corals? Tan, Ee Suan

255 C p.
5 Editorial Board
255 C p.
6 Effect of growth selection of broilers on breast muscle satellite cell function: Response of satellite cells to NOV, COMP, MYBP-C1, and CSRP3 Velleman, Sandra G.

255 C p.
7 Involvement of purinergic system and electron transport chain in two species of cichlids from the Amazon basin exposed to hypoxia de Freitas Souza, Carine

255 C p.
8 Linking structure and function in the vertebrate respiratory system: A tribute to August Krogh Farmer, C.G.

255 C p.
9 Repolarizing potassium currents in working myocardium of Japanese quail: a novel translational model for cardiac electrophysiology Filatova, Tatiana S.

255 C p.
10 The baroreflex in aquatic and amphibious teleosts: Does terrestriality represent a significant driving force for the evolution of a more effective baroreflex in vertebrates? Armelin, Vinicius Araújo

255 C p.
11 The effect of fasting period on swimming performance, blood parameters and stress recovery in Atlantic salmon post smolts Hvas, Malthe

255 C p.
12 The effects of acute temperature change and digestive status on in situ cardiac function in mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Crossley II, Dane A.

255 C p.
13 Using glutamine synthetase 1 to evaluate the symbionts' potential of ammonia assimilation and their responses to illumination in five organs of the giant clam, Tridacna squamosa Teh, Leanne S.X.

255 C p.
                             13 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands