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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Are regulations enough to expand industrial demand response? A study of the impacts of policy on industrial demand response in the United States Billings, Blake W.

36 4 p.
2 Can distributor system operators play a role in the European Union energy efficiency financing game? Bianco, Vincenzo

36 4 p.
3 Could forward markets stabilize capacity cycles in electricity markets? An experimental study Alvarez-Uribe, Karla C.

36 4 p.
4 Editorial Board
36 4 p.
5 Give a little to get a little: A DER Bill of Rights and Responsibilities provides the social license for participation and control in DER-dominated grids - an Australian example Lal, N.N.

36 4 p.
6 [No title] Felder, Frank A.

36 4 p.
7 Policy design for making India atmanirbhar (self-sufficient) in green energy technologies Shrimali, Gireesh

36 4 p.
8 Tipping the scale: Why utility-scale solar avoids a solar rebound and what it means for U.S. solar policy Oliver, Matthew E.

36 4 p.
9 Walk the line: The paradoxical complexities of US/Canada energy trade Olive, Laura T.W.

36 4 p.
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland