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                             34 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Activity of cabozantinib after immune checkpoint blockade in metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma McGregor, Bradley A.

135 C p. 203-210
2 Adaptation of multidisciplinary meeting decisions in a medical oncology department during the COVID epidemic in a less affected region of France: a prospective analysis from Bordeaux University Hospital Heraudet, Luc

135 C p. 98-100
3 Adjuvant chemotherapy in small node-negative triple-negative breast cancer Steenbruggen, Tessa G.

135 C p. 66-74
4 Ano-uro-genital mucosal melanoma UK national guidelines Smith, Henry G.

135 C p. 22-30
5 A review of the international early recommendations for departments organization and cancer management priorities during the global COVID-19 pandemic: applicability in low- and middle-income countries Belkacemi, Yazid

135 C p. 130-146
6 Cancer treatment during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: Do not postpone but decide wisely Huillard, Olivier

135 C p. 51
7 Chemoradiotherapy efficacy is predicted by intra-tumour CD8+/FoxP3+ double positive T cell density in locally advanced N2 non–small-cell lung carcinoma Boulle, G.

135 C p. 221-229
8 Comment on ‘Effect of organised cervical cancer screening on cervical cancer mortality in Europe: a systematic review’ Dugué, Pierre-Antoine

135 C p. 240-241
9 Comment on “The experience on coronavirus disease 2019 and cancer from an oncology hub institution in Milan, Lombardy Region” and reflections from the Italian Association of Oncology Nurses Biagioli, Valentina

135 C p. 8-10
10 Comparative analysis of docetaxel: physical and chemical characterisation of Taxotère® and generics Pétronille, Roy

135 C p. 183-191
11 Conceptual framework for precision cancer medicine in Germany: Consensus statement of the Deutsche Krebshilfe working group ‘Molecular Diagnostics and Therapy’ Westphalen, C. Benedikt

135 C p. 1-7
12 Cost-effectiveness of lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography in heavy smokers: a microsimulation modelling study Du, Yihui

135 C p. 121-129
13 Developing a risk assessment score for patients with cancer during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic Indini, Alice

135 C p. 47-50
14 Health-related quality of life in patients with RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer treated with panitumumab-based first-line treatment strategy: A pre-specified secondary analysis of the Valentino study Raimondi, Alessandra

135 C p. 230-239
15 High mortality rate in cancer patients with symptoms of COVID-19 with or without detectable SARS-COV-2 on RT-PCR Assaad, Souad

135 C p. 251-259
16 Hypothyroidism correlates with favourable survival prognosis in patients with brain metastatic cancer Berghoff, Anna S.

135 C p. 150-158
17 Immune checkpoint inhibitors: a physiology-driven approach to the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 Di Cosimo, Serena

135 C p. 62-65
18 Immune-related pneumonitis with nivolumab and ipilimumab during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic Souza, Ive L.

135 C p. 147-149
19 Less is more: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the outcomes of radical versus conservative primary resection in anorectal melanoma Smith, Henry G.

135 C p. 113-120
20 Open-label, phase IIa study of dabrafenib plus trametinib in East Asian patients with advanced BRAF V600-mutant cutaneous melanoma Si, Lu

135 C p. 31-38
21 Organisational challenges, volumes of oncological activity and patients' perception during the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 epidemic Zuliani, Serena

135 C p. 159-169
22 Overall survival benefit of symptom monitoring in real-world patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia treated with ibrutinib: a FiLO group study Ysebaert, Loic

135 C p. 170-172
23 Palliation of dysphagia in metastatic oesogastric cancers: An international multidisciplinary position Levy, Antonin

135 C p. 103-112
24 Past and present of computer-assisted dermoscopic diagnosis: performance of a conventional image analyser versus a convolutional neural network in a prospective data set of 1,981 skin lesions Sies, Katharina

135 C p. 39-46
25 Pathological complete response after neoadjuvant immunotherapy for a patient with microsatellite instability locally advanced rectal cancer: should we adapt our standard management for these patients? Mans, L.

135 C p. 75-77
26 Phase II results from a phase I/II study to assess the safety and efficacy of weekly nab-paclitaxel in paediatric patients with recurrent or refractory solid tumours: A collaboration with the European Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer Network Amoroso, Loredana

135 C p. 89-97
27 Prognostic impact of immune-microenvironment in colorectal liver metastases resected after triplets plus a biologic agent: A pooled analysis of five prospective trials Moretto, Roberto

135 C p. 78-88
28 Quantitative and qualitative impairments in dendritic cell subsets of patients with ovarian or prostate cancer Mastelic-Gavillet, Beatris

135 C p. 173-182
29 Randomised phase II study of panitumumab plus irinotecan versus cetuximab plus irinotecan in patients with KRAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer refractory to fluoropyrimidine, irinotecan and oxaliplatin (WJOG 6510G) Sakai, Daisuke

135 C p. 11-21
30 SARS-CoV-2 infection in cancer patients undergoing active treatment: analysis of clinical features and predictive factors for severe respiratory failure and death Yarza, Ramón

135 C p. 242-250
31 Stability of nivolumab in its original vials after opening and handing in normal saline bag for intravenous infusion Le Guyader, G.

135 C p. 192-202
32 Stereotactic radiosurgery combined with anti-PD1 for the management of melanoma brain metastases: A retrospective study of safety and efficacy Carron, Romain

135 C p. 52-61
33 Survivorship in immune therapy: Assessing toxicities, body composition and health-related quality of life among long-term survivors treated with antibodies to programmed death-1 receptor and its ligand Patrinely Jr., James Randall

135 C p. 211-220
34 Working in the dark: Interaction with a sub clinical COVID-19 subject and lessons learned Rathod, Shrinivas

135 C p. 101-102
                             34 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland