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                             73 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ab initio thermochemistry study of polymorphism in the Si2N2(NH) analog of Si2N2O Masoumi, N.

200 C p.
2 A comparative study and development of a novel deep learning architecture for accelerated identification of microstructure in materials science Mishra, Surya Prakash

200 C p.
3 Adsorption scaling theory for investigation of distance between clay-layers with adsorbed polymer and adsorption-isotherm versus polymer-concentration: Comparison to experiment Ghyati, Souad

200 C p.
4 Advanced hybrid-structured anodes for lithium-ion batteries Galashev, Alexander Y.

200 C p.
5 Advanced modeling of materials with PAOFLOW 2.0: New features and software design Cerasoli, Frank T.

200 C p.
6 All-atom molecular dynamics simulation of acrylamide-based triblock copolymers with thermal responsive end blocks in a mixed salt solution containing divalent cations Rasouli, Sajad

200 C p.
7 A molecular dynamics study of displacement cascades and radiation induced amorphization in Li2TiO3 Sahoo, Deepak Ranjan

200 C p.
8 A novel two-stage martensitic transformation induced by nanoscale concentration modulation in a TiNb-based shape memory alloy Zhu, Jiaming

200 C p.
9 An unconditionally energy-stable second-order time-accurate numerical scheme for the coupled Cahn–Hilliard system in copolymer/homopolymer mixtures Li, Yibao

200 C p.
10 Applying molecular dynamics simulation to take the fracture fingerprint of polycrystalline SiC nanosheets Molaei, Fatemeh

200 C p.
11 A reactive molecular dynamics study of the hydrogenation of diamond surfaces Oliveira, Eliezer F.

200 C p.
12 A tight-binding atomistic approach for point defects and surfaces applied to the o-Al 13 Co 4  quasicrystalline approximant Bindech, O.

200 C p.
13 Atomtransmachine: An atomic feature representation model for machine learning Hu, Mengxian

200 C p.
14 Binary collisions of equal-sized water nanodroplets: Molecular dynamics simulations Yin, Zongjun

200 C p.
15 Chirality, temperature, and vacancy effects on mechanical behavior of monolayer zinc-sulfide Islam, A.S.M. Jannatul

200 C p.
16 Crystal plasticity simulation of the macroscale and microscale stress–strain relations of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy Zhang, X.X.

200 C p.
17 Directed graph attention neural network utilizing 3D coordinates for molecular property prediction Qian, Chen

200 C p.
18 Dissolution kinetics of irregular second phase in as-cast Cu-Ti alloys via a multi-particle dissolution model Xiao, Xingyu

200 C p.
19 Editorial Board
200 C p.
20 Effect of grain boundaries on elastic shock wave in graphene Long, Xiaojiang

200 C p.
21 Effect of heterostructure engineering on electronic structure and transport properties of two-dimensional halide perovskites Singh, Rahul

200 C p.
22 Electronic and magnetic properties of LaRuO3 and LaFeO3: Orbital order and canted antiferromagnetism Yang, Ya

200 C p.
23 Electronic conductivity of two-dimensional VS2 monolayers: A first principles study Cui, Yuanyuan

200 C p.
24 Electrostatic doping determined by band alignment in graphene on ferroelectric LiNbO3(0001) polar surfaces Yuan, Jin

200 C p.
25 Elucidation of thermo-mechanical properties of silicon nanowires from a molecular dynamics perspective Hasheminia, Farzane

200 C p.
26 Exploring the necessary complexity of interatomic potentials Vita, Joshua A.

200 C p.
27 First-principles study of vacancy interaction with grain boundaries of tungsten under tensile strains Han, Quan-Fu

200 C p.
28 Five degree-of-freedom property interpolation of arbitrary grain boundaries via Voronoi fundamental zone framework Baird, Sterling G.

200 C p.
29 Formation of a very high-density amorphous phase of carbon and its crystallization into a simple cubic structure at high pressure Durandurdu, Murat

200 C p.
30 Fully-coupled continuum damage model for simulation of plasticity dominated hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms Depraetere, Robin

200 C p.
31 Harnessing shape optimization techniques to develop novel methods to determine shear properties in PMCs Geise, Luke

200 C p.
32 Investigation of mechanical properties and dispersion in silica/Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) nanocomposites: A ReaxFF molecular dynamics study Joseph, Edwin

200 C p.
33 Investigation of the microstructure and electronic features for Ce 3 + -doped YAG crystal: A first-principle study Hu, Shihao

200 C p.
34 LaN structural and topological transitions driven by temperature and pressure Chen, Wei-Chih

200 C p.
35 Learning hidden chemistry with deep neural networks Nguyen, Tien-Cuong

200 C p.
36 Machine learned interatomic potentials for modeling interfacial heat transport in Ge/GaAs Wyant, Spencer

200 C p.
37 Machine learning aided first-principles studies of structure stability of Co3(Al, X) doped with transition metal elements Guo, Jing

200 C p.
38 Machine learning-enabled prediction of chemical durability of A2B2O7 pyrochlore and fluorite Gong, Bowen

200 C p.
39 Microscopic stresses of discontinuous fiber reinforced composites under thermal and mechanical loadings – Finite element simulations and statistical analyses Wu, Qi

200 C p.
40 Modeling discontinuous dynamic recrystallization containing second phase particles in magnesium alloys utilizing phase field method Zhu, N.Y.

200 C p.
41 Modeling optical energy gap of strontium titanate multifunctional semiconductor using stepwise regression and genetic algorithm based support vector regression Olatunji, Sunday O.

200 C p.
42 Molecular dynamics simulation of polyamide-based materials – A review Krishna, Sanjay

200 C p.
43 Nano material removal mechanism of 4H-SiC in ion implantation-assisted machining Fan, Yexin

200 C p.
44 Nature of electronic topological transition and superconductivity in bismuth under high pressure from ab initio random structure searching Chaimayo, Wanaruk

200 C p.
45 Neural network potential for studying the thermal conductivity of Sn Han, Lihong

200 C p.
46 Non-orthogonal computational grids for studying dislocation motion in phase field approaches Peng, Xiaoyao

200 C p.
47 Novel method for automatic search for stable ordered phases in multicomponent systems Varenikov, G.G.

200 C p.
48 Numerical investigation of microstructure and failure of lithiated silicon under biaxial tension Chen, Su

200 C p.
49 Numerical simulation of the primary displacement damage in GaAs1− x N x with low nitrogen atomic content Jia, Tongxuan

200 C p.
50 Optimal experimental design with fast neural network surrogate models Stuckner, Joshua

200 C p.
51 Phase-field modeling of magnetic field-induced grain growth in polycrystalline metals Rezaei, Y.

200 C p.
52 Prediction of two-dimensional M2As (M = Mn, Fe) with high Curie temperature and large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy Li, Zheng-Hui

200 C p.
53 Quantification of domain reorientation in polycrystalline distorted perovskites Gupta, Shashaank

200 C p.
54 Quantitative assessment of the role of spin fluctuations in 2D Ising superconductor NbSe2 Das, Suvadip

200 C p.
55 Saddle point sampling using scaled normal coordinates Hayakawa, Sho

200 C p.
56 Strain-engineering of anisotropic behavior in the electrical and optical properties of graphene-like borophene hydride, a DFT calculation Ghaffari, Vahid

200 C p.
57 Structural and electronic properties of double-walled α -graphyne nanotubes Silva, Paloma Vieira

200 C p.
58 Structural predictions of superconducting phase in tungsten ditellurides WTe2 from first-principles evolutionary techniques under high pressure Tsuppayakorn-aek, Prutthipong

200 C p.
59 Systematic investigation of geometric structures and electronic properties of lithium doped magnesium clusters Li, Chenggang

200 C p.
60 Temperature effect on nanoporous gold under uniaxial tension and compression Saffarini, Mohammed H.

200 C p.
61 Theoretical study on thermal properties of molybdenum disulfide/silicon heterostructures Wang, Jifen

200 C p.
62 Thermally-activated dislocation mobility in bcc metals: An accelerated molecular dynamics study Grabowski, Blazej

200 C p.
63 The role of polarization effect on the hydrophobicity of graphene and graphene-based devices: Theoretical and computational studies Sohrabi, Beheshteh

200 C p.
64 The unconventionally stoichiometric compounds in the Na–K system at high pressures Yang, LiHua

200 C p.
65 Topological evolution of thin films during grain growth Zöllner, D.

200 C p.
66 Tuning force field parameters of ionic liquids using machine learning techniques Islam, Rafikul

200 C p.
67 Tuning the electronic properties of two dimensional InSe/In2Se3 heterostructure via ferroelectric polarization and strain Duan, Xunkai

200 C p.
68 Two-dimensional Al2O3 with ultrawide bandgap and large exciton binding energy for solar-blind ultraviolet photodetectors Meng, Bo

200 C p.
69 Two dimension transition metal boride Y2B2 as a promising anode in Li-ion and Na-ion batteries Gao, Shuli

200 C p.
70 Ultrahigh thermal conductivity in hexagonal BC6N- An efficient material for nanoscale thermal management- A first principles study Muthaiah, Rajmohan

200 C p.
71 Understanding defect structures in nanoscale metal additive manufacturing via molecular dynamics Singh, Gurmeet

200 C p.
72 Web-based methods for X-ray and photoelectron spectroscopies Devereaux, Thomas P.

200 C p.
73 Yielding transition in stable glasses periodically deformed at finite temperature Priezjev, Nikolai V.

200 C p.
                             73 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland