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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Contents
65 C p. CO4
2 Delay in pharmacological treatment of autistic children after recognition of the disorder Clavenna, Antonio

65 C p. 54-55
3 ECNP Calendar of Meetings
65 C p. II
4 Editorial Board
65 C p. IFC
5 Elucidating neurobiological mechanisms of mania: Critical next steps Phillips, M.L.

65 C p. 1-3
6 Gender Dysphoria and its associated hurdles in Pakistan Hasan, Shahzain

65 C p. 52-53
7 Grey matter morphology in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder treated with a selective progesterone receptor modulator Kaltsouni, Elisavet

65 C p. 35-43
8 Minor physical anomalies in bipolar disorder in comparison to healthy controls and schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis Bora, Emre

65 C p. 4-11
9 Primary prevention in psychiatry is not science fiction Arango, Celso

65 C p. 30-32
10 Pros and cons of esketamine treatment in psychiatry GutiƩrrez, Gilmar

65 C p. 12-14
11 Rates of psychotropic medicine prescribing in paediatric populations in Australian general practice from 2000-2016 Tanana, Laila

65 C p. 68-78
12 Single dose S-ketamine rescues transcriptional dysregulation of Mtor and Nrp2 in the prefrontal cortex of FSL rats 1 hour but not 14 days post dosing Elfving, Betina

65 C p. 56-67
13 Stress, mental disorder and ketamine as a novel, rapid acting treatment Dutton, Megan

65 C p. 15-29
14 The effects of transient receptor potential cation channel inhibition by BI 1358894 on cortico-limbic brain reactivity to negative emotional stimuli in major depressive disorder Grimm, Simone

65 C p. 44-51
15 Together is better: Let's overcome the heterogeneity problem Oliva, Vincenzo

65 C p. 33-34
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland