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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A brave new world: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for transitioning to sustainable supply and production Sarkis, Joseph

159 C p.
2 A new approach to recover platinum-group metals from spent catalytic converters via iron matte Morcali, Mehmet Hakan

159 C p.
3 Anthropogenic intensification of urban reactive nitrogen inputs and potential to mitigate nitrogen pollution in Guangzhou, China Dong, Yue

159 C p.
4 A recycling process for thermoelectric devices developed with the support of statistical entropy analysis Velázquez-Martinez, O.

159 C p.
5 Assessing outdoor air quality and public health impact attributable to residential black carbon emissions in rural China Gu, Yefu

159 C p.
6 Can global pharmaceutical supply chains scale up sustainably for the COVID-19 crisis? Yu, Derrick Ethelbhert C.

159 C p.
7 Corrigendum to “Assessment and communication of the environmental performance of construction products in Europe: Comparison between PEF and EN 15804 compliant EPD schemes” [Resources, Conservation and Recycling 156 (2020) 104703] Durão, Vera

159 C p.
8 Economic analysis of the disassembling activities to the reuse of electric vehicles Li-ion batteries Rallo, H.

159 C p.
9 Editorial Board
159 C p.
10 Environmental knowledge, the collaborative economy and responsible consumption in the context of second-hand perinatal and infant clothes in Spain Peña-Vinces, Jesús

159 C p.
11 Environmental risk assessment approaches for industry park and their applications Ding, Guoyu

159 C p.
12 Greater circularity leads to lower criticality, and other links between criticality and the circular economy Tercero Espinoza, Luis

159 C p.
13 LCA of rare earth and critical metal recovery and replacement decisions for commercial lighting waste management Liu, Lixi

159 C p.
14 Metrics for quantifying the circularity of bioplastics: The case of bio-based and biodegradable mulch films Razza, Francesco

159 C p.
15 Public perception matters: Individual waste sorting in Chinese communities Wang, Yan

159 C p.
16 RCR 2019 Most Downloaded Paper Awards
159 C p.
17 Rising middle and rich classes drove China's carbon emissions Wei, Liyuan

159 C p.
18 Risk of spontaneous and anthropogenic fires in waste management chain and hazards of secondary fires Ibrahim, Muhammad Asim

159 C p.
19 Sustainable cycles and management of plastics: A brief review of RCR publications in 2019 and early 2020 Chen, Wei-Qiang

159 C p.
20 The rebound effect on water extraction from subsidising irrigation infrastructure in Australia Wheeler, S.A.

159 C p.
21 Urban buildings material intensity in China from 1949 to 2015 Yang, Dong

159 C p.
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland