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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of acceptance and factors affecting the consumption of goat's milk in Morocco Zine-eddine, Yassine

197 C p.
2 Breeding dairy goats for disease resistance is profitable in smallholder production systems Amayi, A.A.

197 C p.
3 Comparison of oxidative stress markers between single and twin gestations in Dorper ewes during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum Santarosa, B.P.

197 C p.
4 Daily dynamic changes of blood acid-base status and vital parameters in lambs and goat kids over the first seven days after birth Arfuso, Francesca

197 C p.
5 Detection of Chlamydia abortus and risk factors for infection in small ruminants in Iran Esmaeili, Hossein

197 C p.
6 Editorial Board
197 C p.
7 Effects of different rumen undegradable to rumen degradable protein ratios on performance, ruminal fermentation, urinary purine derivatives, and carcass characteristics of growing lambs fed a high wheat straw-based diet Valizadeh, A.

197 C p.
8 Estimation of genetic parameters for pre-weaning growth traits in Central Anatolian Merino sheep Behrem, Sedat

197 C p.
9 Feeding selection of sheep and alpaca on puna tussock rangelands grazed previously by cattle Quispe, Carlos

197 C p.
10 Fertility, Live Weight, Survival Rate, Greasy Fleece Weight, and Quality Traits of Angora Goats in Turkey Şenyüz, Hasan Hüseyin

197 C p.
11 Hematological, biochemical, and histopathological parameters of cull ewes fed high-concentrate diets with cottonseed associated with calcium lignosulfonate Viana, Pablo T.

197 C p.
12 Water and food utilization efficiencies in sheep and their relationship with some production traits Barros de Freitas, Ana Carolina

197 C p.
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland