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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adjusting posterior probabilities to meet predefined accuracy criteria: A proposal for a novel approach to osteometric sex estimation Jerković, Ivan

311 C p.
2 Characteristic analysis and fuzzy simulation of falls-from-height mechanics, and case studies Han, Inhwan

311 C p.
3 Development of Necrobia rufipes (De Geer, 1775) (Coleoptera: Cleridae) under constant temperatures and its implication in forensic entomology Hu, Guoliang

311 C p.
4 Dimensionality reduction and visualisation of hyperspectral ink data using t-SNE Melit Devassy, Binu

311 C p.
5 DNA methylation age estimation in blood samples of living and deceased individuals using a multiplex SNaPshot assay Dias, Helena Correia

311 C p.
6 Editorial Board
311 C p.
7 Fatal intoxication with ivabradine: First case report Knapp-Gisclon, A.

311 C p.
8 Identification of the miRNA-3185/CYP4A11 axis in cardiac tissue as a biomarker for mechanical asphyxia Han, Liujun

311 C p.
9 Influence of bullet type and muzzle-to-target distance on trajectory deflection through a soft tissue simulant Kerkhoff, W.

311 C p.
10 [No title] Visotin, Alexander

311 C p.
11 Peptide analysis of mammalian decomposition fluid in relation to the post-mortem interval Nolan, Ashley-N’Dene

311 C p.
12 Publisher's Note
311 C p.
13 Retrospective screening of synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic opioids and designer benzodiazepines in data files from forensic post mortem samples analysed by UHPLC-QTOF-MS from 2014 to 2018 Gundersen, Per Ole M.

311 C p.
14 Storability of porcine blood in forensics: How far should we go? Sparer, Andreas

311 C p.
15 Study of ink aging: Targeting triethylene glycol in carbon-based black gel ink strokes on paper Ni, Yunchang

311 C p.
16 The importance of sample size with regard to the robustness of postmortem reference values Söderberg, C.

311 C p.
17 Time since last discharge of firearms and spent ammunition elements: state of the art and perspectives Gallidabino, Matteo D.

311 C p.
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland