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                             43 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A methodology for analyzing and forecasting sociopolitical destabilization Ilyin, Ilya

198 C p.
2 A model of autowave self-organization as a hierarchy of active media in the biological evolution Sidorova, Alla

198 C p.
3 A Monte Carlo method for in silico modeling and visualization of Waddington’s epigenetic landscape with intermediate details Zhang, Xiaomeng

198 C p.
4 An integrative explanation of action Beni, Majid D.

198 C p.
5 A novel method for segmenting brain tumor using modified watershed algorithm in MRI image with FPGA Sivakumar, V.

198 C p.
6 Asynchronous time–space model for evolutionary market Sasai, Kazuto

198 C p.
7 Chaotic vibration of microtubules and biological information processing Justin, Mibaile

198 C p.
8 Contribution of AMPA and NMDA receptors in the spontaneous firing patterns of single neurons in autaptic culture Hattori, Kouhei

198 C p.
9 D'Arcy W. Thompson's On Growth and Form: A landmark for the mathematical foundations of epigenetics Iurato, Giuseppe

198 C p.
10 Editorial Board
198 C p.
11 Effects of store-operated and receptor-operated calcium channels on synchronization of calcium oscillations in astrocytes Zhou, Anqi

198 C p.
12 Evaluating the effectiveness of several synchronization control methods applying to the electrically and the chemically coupled hindmarsh-rose neurons Çimen, Zühra

198 C p.
13 Evolution of stability of socioeconomic system functioning: Some approaches to modeling (with an application to the case of Egypt, 2011–2013) Malkov, Sergey

198 C p.
14 Evolution of the mental model: From archaic myths to modern myths Denizhan, Yagmur

198 C p.
15 Exploring the complexity and chaotic behavior in plankton–fish system with mutual interference and time delay Ojha, Archana

198 C p.
16 Feedback enrichment analysis for transcription factor-target genes in signaling pathways Inoue, Kentaro

198 C p.
17 Generalized population dynamics model of aphids in wheat based on catastrophe theory Li, Yuan

198 C p.
18 Gene-regulatory context of honey bee worker sterility Guoth, Alex W.

198 C p.
19 Gray code representation of the universal genetic code: Generation of never born protein sequences using Toeplitz matrix approach Muthugobal, Bagayalakshmi Karuna Nidhi

198 C p.
20 Hyperbolic rules of the cooperative organization of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes Petoukhov, Sergey V.

198 C p.
21 Impact of composition on the dynamics of autocatalytic sets Ravoni, Alessandro

198 C p.
22 Implementing logical inference based on DNA assembly Huang, Yufang

198 C p.
23 LUCA as well as the ancestors of archaea, bacteria and eukaryotes were progenotes: Inference from the distribution and diversity of the reading mechanism of the AUA and AUG codons in the domains of life Di Giulio, Massimo

198 C p.
24 Mathematical analysis-based feasibility study of pre-emptive medicine for Staphylococcus aureus infectious disease: Early detection and antibiotic-free maintenance therapy Hamada, Hiroyuki

198 C p.
25 Modeling a cancerous tumor development in a virtual patient suffering from a depressed state of mind: Simulation of somatic evolution with a customized genetic algorithm Lahoz-Beltra, R.

198 C p.
26 Morphogenetic systems: Models and experiments Smolka, Vladimír

198 C p.
27 [No title] Lansky, Ephraim S.P.

198 C p.
28 On the length scale dependence of DNA conformational change under local perturbation Banerjee, Soumyadip

198 C p.
29 PhDSeeker: Pheromone-Directed Seeker for metabolic pathways Gerard, Matias F.

198 C p.
30 Phosphorylation and acylation transfer reactions: Clues to a dual origin of metabolism Freire, Miguel Ángel

198 C p.
31 Simulation of multiple microenvironments shows a pivot role of RPTPs on the control of Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Pais, Ricardo Jorge

198 C p.
32 Stability switching and hydra effect in a predator–prey metapopulation model Bajeux, Nicolas

198 C p.
33 Structural impact due to PPQEE deletion in multiple cancer associated protein - Integrin αV: An In silico exploration Bhattacharya, Shreya

198 C p.
34 Surface contraction waves or cell proliferation waves in the presumptive neurectoderm during amphibian gastrulation: Mexican axolotl versus African clawed frog Desnitskiy, Alexey G.

198 C p.
35 Systemic evolutionary changes in mammalian gene expression Vinogradov, Alexander E.

198 C p.
36 Testing amino acid-codon affinity hypothesis using molecular docking Moghadam, S. Arbabi

198 C p.
37 The common misuse of noise decomposition as applied to genetic systems Chen, Bo-Ren

198 C p.
38 The emergence of locally adaptive institutions: Insights from traditional social structures of East African pastoralists Glowacki, Luke

198 C p.
39 The evolutionary dynamics of expectations: Interactions among codes in inter-human communications Leydesdorff, Loet

198 C p.
40 The evolutionary dynamics of social systems – Looking for a new dialog Marijuán, Pedro C.

198 C p.
41 The rise of languaging Cowley, Stephen J.

198 C p.
42 Towards a general theory of the major cooperative evolutionary transitions Stewart, John E.

198 C p.
43 Virions and respiratory droplets in air: Diffusion, drift, and contact with the epithelium Zhdanov, Vladimir P.

198 C p.
                             43 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland