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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Chloroquine-analogues block anthrax protective antigen channels in steady-state and kinetic studies Beitzinger, Christoph

492 C p.
2 Chronic D-galactose administration induces natural aging characteristics, in rat’s brain and heart Pantiya, Patcharapong

492 C p.
3 Correlation between inhibition of lung surfactant function in vitro and rapid reduction in tidal volume following exposure to plant protection products in mice. Hougaard, Karin S.

492 C p.
4 Cytotoxicity and mechanism of action of metal complexes: An overview Abdolmaleki, Sara

492 C p.
5 Editorial Board Members
492 C p.
6 Fluoride induced metabolic disorder of endothelial cells Zhang, Chao

492 C p.
7 Gold nanoparticle intratesticular injections as a potential animal sterilization tool: Long-term reproductive and toxicological implications Coimbra, John L.P.

492 C p.
8 Hematological consequences of polyethylene microplastics toxicity in male rats: Oxidative stress, genetic, and epigenetic links Farag, Amina A.

492 C p.
9 Indole-3-carbinol ameliorated the thioacetamide-induced hepatic encephalopathy in rats Ramakrishna, Kakarla

492 C p.
10 Investigation of the metabolomic crosstalk between liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and hepatocytes exposed to paracetamol using organ-on-chip technology Messelmani, Taha

492 C p.
11 In vivo neutralization of colchicine toxicity by a PASylated anticalin in a rat model Jerschke, Elena

492 C p.
12 Long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking water leads to myocardial damage by oxidative stress and reduction in NO Cui, Yi-Xin

492 C p.
13 Phenothiazine derivatives and their impact on the necroptosis and necrosis processes. A review Otręba, Michał

492 C p.
14 Research update on aflatoxins toxicity, metabolism, distribution, and detection: A concise overview Jaćević, Vesna

492 C p.
15 Role of cyclosporin A in the treatment of kidney disease and nephrotoxicity Yu, Jun

492 C p.
16 Thallium exposure induces changes in B and T cell generation in mice Li, Dong

492 C p.
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland