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                             61 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A hybrid data mining driven algorithm for long term electric peak load and energy demand forecasting Kazemzadeh, Mohammad-Rasool

204 C p.
2 A kelly criterion based optimal scheduling of a microgrid on a steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) facility Purkayastha, Sagar N.

204 C p.
3 A multi-criteria approach for selection of wave energy converter/location Kamranzad, Bahareh

204 C p.
4 An estimation method of smart meter errors based on DREM and DRLS Kong, Xiangyu

204 C p.
5 A review of resource curse burden on inflation in Venezuela Su, Chi-Wei

204 C p.
6 A secure tri-level planner-disaster-risk-averse replanner model for enhancing the resilience of energy systems Aldarajee, Ammar H.M.

204 C p.
7 A series multi-step approach for operation Co-optimization of integrated power and natural gas systems Faridpak, Behdad

204 C p.
8 A synergistic study of reaction kinetics and heat transfer with multi-component modelling approach for the pyrolysis of biomass waste Siddiqi, Hammad

204 C p.
9 A uniform estimation framework for state of health of lithium-ion batteries considering feature extraction and parameters optimization Shu, Xing

204 C p.
10 A useful formulas to describe the performance of a steam condenser in off-design conditions Laskowski, Rafał

204 C p.
11 Beyond energy savings: Investigating the co-benefits of heat resilient architecture Samuelson, Holly W.

204 C p.
12 Combustion mechanism and model free kinetics of different origin coal samples: Thermal analysis approach Jayaraman, Kandasamy

204 C p.
13 Comparative analysis of AC and DC bus configurations for flywheel-battery HESS integration in residential micro-grids Barelli, L.

204 C p.
14 Comprehensive analysis of environmental impacts and energy consumption of biomass-to-methanol and coal-to-methanol via life cycle assessment Liu, Yigang

204 C p.
15 Conceptual design of small aircraft with hybrid-electric propulsion systems Sziroczak, David

204 C p.
16 Conductive polypyrrole-carboxymethyl cellulose-titanium nitride/carbon brush hydrogels as bioanodes for enhanced energy output in microbial fuel cells Wang, Yuyang

204 C p.
17 Design and experimental investigation on a solar concentrating photovoltaic underwater Liang, Shen

204 C p.
18 Design, construction and operation of a low-tar biomass (LTB) gasifier for power applications Rahman, MD Mashiur

204 C p.
19 Development of a new infrared heater based on an annular cylindrical radiant burner for direct heating applications Maznoy, Anatoly

204 C p.
20 Economic analysis of a second-generation ethanol and electricity biorefinery using superstructural optimization Fonseca, G.C.

204 C p.
21 Economic analysis of BIPV systems as a building envelope material for building skins in Europe Gholami, Hassan

204 C p.
22 Editorial Board
204 C p.
23 Effect of mechanical harvesting on the chemical composition and combustion behaviour of shrub biomass Mediavilla, Irene

204 C p.
24 Energy and exergy analyses of an integrated renewable energy system for hydrogen production Qureshy, Ali M.M.I.

204 C p.
25 Energy consumption and heating costs for a detached house over a 12-year period – Renewable fuels versus fossil fuels Stolarski, Mariusz Jerzy

204 C p.
26 Energy performance of domestic cold appliances in laboratory and home environments Biglia, Alessandro

204 C p.
27 Enhancing trains envelope – heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems: A new dynamic simulation approach for energy, economic, environmental impact and thermal comfort analyses Barone, Giovanni

204 C p.
28 Evaluation and comparison of gas production potential of the typical four gas hydrate deposits in Shenhu area, South China sea Huang, Li

204 C p.
29 Exergo-economic cost analysis for a long-range transport aircraft propulsion system at non-linear power loads Aygun, Hakan

204 C p.
30 Experimental investigation of the carbon dioxide effect on the devolatilization and combustion of a coal and sugarcane bagasse Mortari, Daniela A.

204 C p.
31 Experiment investigation on the effects of air assisted SCR spray impingement on wall temperature evolution Wang, Jun

204 C p.
32 Fundamentals and business model for resource aggregator of demand response in electricity markets Lu, Xiaoxing

204 C p.
33 Harvesting solar thermal energy with a micro-gap thermionic-thermoelectric hybrid energy converter: Model development, energy exchange analysis, and performance optimization Rahman, Ehsanur

204 C p.
34 Impact of using information and communication technology and renewable energy on health expenditure: A case study from Pakistan Shahzad, Khuram

204 C p.
35 Improving fuel cell performance via optimal parameters identification through fuzzy logic based-modeling and optimization Tanveer, Waqas Hassan

204 C p.
36 Influence of mercury retention on mercury adsorption of fly ash He, Ping

204 C p.
37 Investigating the performance and cost effects of nanorefrigerants in a low-temperature ORC unit for waste heat recovery Kosmadakis, George

204 C p.
38 Investigation of external heating-induced failure propagation behaviors in large-size cell modules with different phase change materials Wang, Zhi

204 C p.
39 Investigation of flame-assisted fuel cells integrated with an auxiliary power unit gas turbine Ghotkar, Rhushikesh

204 C p.
40 Joint use of artificial neural networks and particle swarm optimization to determine optimal performance of an ethanol SI engine operating with negative valve overlap strategy Fagundez, J.L.S.

204 C p.
41 Low-energy opportunity for multi-family residences: A review and simulation-based study of a solar borehole thermal energy storage system Elhashmi, Rodwan

204 C p.
42 Maximization of wave power extraction of a heave point absorber with a sea-state-based causal control algorithm Li, Liang

204 C p.
43 Multi-criteria group decision-making framework for offshore wind farm site selection based on the intuitionistic linguistic aggregation operators Gao, Jianwei

204 C p.
44 Optimal planning and operation of multi-carrier networked microgrids considering multi-energy hubs in distribution networks Ghanbari, Ali

204 C p.
45 Optimal scheduling of electric vehicles car-sharing service with multi-temporal and multi-task operation Lai, Kexing

204 C p.
46 Optimal scheduling of gas and electricity consumption in a smart home with a hybrid gas boiler and electric heating system Wang, Jidong

204 C p.
47 Organic Rankine Energy Storage (ORES) system M. de Oliveira Junior, Maury

204 C p.
48 Performance analysis of a 10 MWp utility scale grid-connected canal-top photovoltaic power plant under Indian climatic conditions Kumar, Manish

204 C p.
49 Performance evaluations of an adsorption-based power and cooling cogeneration system under different operative conditions and working fluids Zhao, Yanan

204 C p.
50 Performance optimization of a converging thermoelectric generator system via multiphysics simulations Luo, Ding

204 C p.
51 Performance optimization of a heat pump driven liquid desiccant dehumidification system using exergy analysis Zhang, Qinling

204 C p.
52 Power capture performance of hybrid wave farms combining different wave energy conversion technologies: The H-factor Zheng, Siming

204 C p.
53 Power generation as a useful option for flare gas recovery: Enviro-economic evaluation of different scenarios Nezhadfard, Mahya

204 C p.
54 Power management for storage mechanisms including battery, supercapacitor, and hydrogen of autonomous hybrid green power system utilizing multiple optimally-designed fuzzy logic controllers Zahedi, R.

204 C p.
55 Prediction accuracy of thermodynamic properties using PC-SAFT for high-temperature organic Rankine cycle with siloxanes Zhang, Bo

204 C p.
56 Prediction of photovoltaic power output based on similar day analysis, genetic algorithm and extreme learning machine Zhou, Yi

204 C p.
57 Simultaneous and sequential stochastic optimization approaches for pumped storage plant scheduling with random breakdowns Yahia, Zakaria

204 C p.
58 Spatial differences in energy performance among four municipalities of China: From both the aggregate and final demand perspectives Yan, Junna

204 C p.
59 Sustainable biomass portfolio sourcing plan using multi-stage stochastic programming Kashanian, Motahareh

204 C p.
60 Thermal modelling of manufacturing processes and HVAC systems Mawson, Victoria Jayne

204 C p.
61 Total Site Heat and Power Integration for Locally Integrated Energy Sectors Lee, Peoy Ying

204 C p.
                             61 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland