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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Corrigendum to ’Distinct driving mechanisms of non-growing season N2O emissions call for spatial-specific mitigation strategies in the US Midwest’ [Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 324 (2022) 109108] Yang, Yufeng

335 C p.
2 Diverse responses of canopy conductance to heatwaves Wang, Longhao

335 C p.
3 Editorial Board
335 C p.
4 Exploring the effects of extreme weather events on methane emissions from croplands: A study combining site and global modeling Xia, Ye

335 C p.
5 Fine scale assessment of seasonal, intra-seasonal and spatial dynamics of soil CO2 effluxes over a balsam fir-dominated perhumid boreal landscape Harel, Antoine

335 C p.
6 Positive response of maize husk traits for improving heat tolerance during flowering by alleviating husk inside temperature Wang, Yuanyuan

335 C p.
7 Spatial variations in the response of spring onset of photosynthesis of evergreen vegetation to climate factors across the Tibetan Plateau: The roles of interactions between temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation Zhang, Lihao

335 C p.
8 The surface-boundary layer connection across spatial scales of irrigation-driven thermal heterogeneity: An integrated data and modeling study of the LIAISE field campaign Mangan, Mary Rose

335 C p.
9 Triple collocation-based merging of multi-source gridded evapotranspiration data in the Nordic Region Li, Xueying

335 C p.
10 Untangling winter chilling and spring forcing effects on spring phenology of subtropical tree seedlings Zeng, Xiu

335 C p.
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland