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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Correlation between performance and quantity/variability of leg exploration in a contingency learning task during infancy Deng, Weiyang

70 C p.
2 Cortisol reactivity and negative affect among preterm infants at 12 months during a mother-infant interaction task Moutinho, Vanessa

70 C p.
3 Early antecedents of emotion differentiation and regulation: Experience tunes the appraisal thresholds of emotional development in infancy Davis, Elizabeth L.

70 C p.
4 Editorial Board
70 C p.
5 Effects of multilingualism on Australian infants’ language environments in early childhood education centers Zheng, Zhijun

70 C p.
6 Examining the trajectory of parent emotion talk in mothers of toddlers: A predominantly Latine sample Lorenzo, N.E.

70 C p.
7 Exploring development of infant gaze, affect, and object exploration in a primarily Latino sample Holland, Cristin M.

70 C p.
8 Family-level factors of early childhood development: Evidence from rural China Ma, Yue

70 C p.
9 Intention-based evaluations of distributive actions by 4-month-olds Geraci, Alessandra

70 C p.
10 Latino toddlers’ bilingual output and their caregivers’ bilingual input and acculturation Perry, Jordan Sierra

70 C p.
11 Maternal anxiety and toddler depressive/anxiety behaviors: The direct and moderating role of children's focused attention Egotubov, Alisa

70 C p.
12 Microstate analysis in infancy Brown, Kara L.

70 C p.
13 Neurophysiology of sustained attention in early infancy: Investigating longitudinal relations with recognition memory outcomes Brandes-Aitken, Annie

70 C p.
14 Prenatal maternal depression predicts neural maturation and negative emotion in infants Kling, Jennifer L.

70 C p.
15 Preterm infant body composition, working memory, and temperament Morris, Erin E.

70 C p.
16 Responding to distressed infants: Does mothers’ positive versus negative affect matter for infants' behavior and physiology? Maier, Meeka S.

70 C p.
17 Sharing food with infants in Hadza communities in Tanzania Abels, Monika

70 C p.
18 The cultural specificity of parent-infant interaction: Perspectives of urban middle-class and rural indigenous families in Costa Rica Schmidt, Wiebke Johanna

70 C p.
19 The reliability and predictive ability of the Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP) in a community-based study in Bhaktapur, Nepal Kvestad, Ingrid

70 C p.
20 The vocal dialogue in 9/11 pregnant widows and their infants: Specificities of co-regulation Beebe, Beatrice

70 C p.
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland