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                             39 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute and chronic stress predict anti-depressant treatment outcome and naturalistic course of major depression: A CAN-BIND report Hicks, Owen

313 C p. 8-14
2 Affective Control Training (AffeCT) reduces negative affect in depressed individuals Schweizer, Susanne

313 C p. 167-176
3 Allopurinol, dipyridamole and calcium channel blockers in the treatment of bipolar disorder – A nationwide cohort study Lintunen, Jonne

313 C p. 43-48
4 Altered brain regional homogeneity is associated with depressive symptoms in COVID-19 Cattarinussi, Giulia

313 C p. 36-42
5 Antianhedonic effects of serial intravenous subanaesthetic ketamine in anxious versus nonanxious depression Zheng, Wei

313 C p. 72-76
6 A plant-based dietary score and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Iranian children: A case-control study Darand, Mina

313 C p. 27-31
7 Combined association of depressive symptoms and sugar-sweetened beverages consumption with low cognitive performance Chen, Chen

313 C p. 15-20
8 Comparative effectiveness and acceptability of different ACT delivery formats to treat depression: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Sun, Yue

313 C p. 196-203
9 C-reactive protein could predict the efficacy of SSRIs in clinical practice: A cohort study of large samples in the real world Pan, Yuqian

313 C p. 251-259
10 Define and characterize the anhedonia in major depressive disorder: An explorative study Lin, Jingyu

313 C p. 235-242
11 Early-life interparental relationship quality and late-life depressive symptoms: A mediation analysis Zhao, Xiaohang

313 C p. 137-148
12 Editorial Board
313 C p. ii
13 Effects of different interventions on internet addiction: A meta-analysis of random controlled trials Zhang, Xueqing

313 C p. 56-71
14 Electroconvulsive therapy effects on anhedonia and reward circuitry anatomy: A dimensional structural neuroimaging approach Cano, Marta

313 C p. 243-250
15 Emergency department utilization by patients with bipolar disorder: a national population-based study Eseaton, Precious Obehi

313 C p. 232-234
16 Emotion Context Insensitivity is generalized in individuals with major depressive disorder but not in those with subclinical depression Sun, Ching-wen

313 C p. 204-213
17 Habituating to pandemic anxiety: Temporal trends of COVID-19 anxiety over sixteen months of COVID-19 Costa, Marianna de Abreu

313 C p. 32-35
18 Management of anxiety disorders among children and adolescents in UK primary care: A cohort study Cybulski, Lukasz

313 C p. 270-277
19 Mediating role of functional limitations in the association of urinary incontinence with depressive symptoms among middle-aged and older adults: The English Longitudinal Study of Aging Yang, Xuan

313 C p. 158-162
20 Meta-analysis of sugar-sweetened beverage intake and the risk of cognitive disorders Liu, Huiyuan

313 C p. 177-185
21 Outcomes associated with comorbid anxiety and depression among patients with stable COPD: A patient registry study in China Wu, Dong

313 C p. 77-83
22 Physical multimorbidity and wish to die among adults aged ≥65 years: A cross-sectional analysis of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing Smith, Lee

313 C p. 263-269
23 Prediction of prognosis in patients with panic disorder using pre-treatment brain white matter features Pae, Chongwon

313 C p. 214-221
24 Psychometric properties of the EURO-D scale of depressive symptomatology: Evidence from SHARE wave 8 Tomás, José M.

313 C p. 49-55
25 Recognition of affective prosody in bipolar and depressive conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis Tang, Enze

313 C p. 126-136
26 Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Oxford Depression Questionnaire (ODQ-Chinese) Chen, Jing

313 C p. 278-282
27 Scores on the suicide cognitions scale-revised (SCS-R) predict future suicide attempts among primary care patients denying suicide ideation and prior attempts Bryan, Craig J.

313 C p. 21-26
28 Still no evidence for the efficacy of zuranolone beyond two weeks: Response to Arnaud and Bonthapally ten Doesschate, F.

313 C p. 149-150
29 The association between lifestyle and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in China: A large-scale cross-sectional survey Wu, Jian

313 C p. 92-99
30 The association between overweight/obesity and poor cognitive function is mediated by inflammation in patients with major depressive disorder Lan, Xiaofeng

313 C p. 118-125
31 The association of smoking and smoking cessation with prevalent and incident symptoms of depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbance in the general population Hahad, Omar

313 C p. 100-109
32 The cardiometabolic depression subtype and its association with clinical characteristics: The Maastricht Study Geraets, Anouk F.J.

313 C p. 110-117
33 The genetics of bipolar disorder with obesity and type 2 diabetes Miola, Alessandro

313 C p. 222-231
34 The prospective relation between borderline personality disorder symptoms and suicide risk: The mediating roles of emotion regulation difficulties and perceived burdensomeness Gratz, Kim L.

313 C p. 186-195
35 The relationship between depressive symptoms and BMI: 2005–2018 NHANES data He, Kaiyin

313 C p. 151-157
36 The role of body dissatisfaction and self-compassion in pregnancy-related anxiety Dryer, Rachel

313 C p. 84-91
37 Towards a tailored psychotherapy for patients with functional neurological disorders Demartini, Benedetta

313 C p. 260-262
38 Traumatic childbirth during COVID-19 triggers maternal psychological growth and in turn better mother-infant bonding Babu, Mrithula S.

313 C p. 163-166
39 Utilizing daily mood diaries and wearable sensor data to predict depression and suicidal ideation among medical interns Horwitz, Adam

313 C p. 1-7
                             39 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland