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                             29 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abnormal connection to heart, double coronary artery pulmonary fistula: A case report Azizee, M. Firdaus

373 S p. 10
2 A comparison of clinical management and treatment outcome of ischemic stroke prior to and during Covid- 19 pandemic in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia Suliman, S.A.A.

373 S p. 13-14
3 Anomalous origin and retro - aortic course of a left circumflex coronary artery causing ACS – NNOCA Zarina Banu, A.

373 S p. 5-6
4 Case of coronary-cameral fistula Menaka, Mahendran

373 S p. 8
5 Case report: COVID-19-related acute pericarditis mimicking acute anterior myocardial infarction Ismail, Hazwani

373 S p. 7
6 Case report: Managing experience of PSRA in pregnancy Wu, J.T.

373 S p. 4
7 Catheter ablation in tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy secondary to atrial flutter: A case report Hanim, Che Azah

373 S p. 11
8 Chronic rheumatic heart disease and Takayasu arteritis, friend or foe? A case report Iberahim, N.A.

373 S p. 9-10
9 Clinical characteristic, associated risk factor and outcome of inpatient case of NSTEMI/ unstable angina in a small district hospital in Terengganu Mokhtar, H.

373 S p. 8-9
10 Complete heart block, QTc prolongation and ventricular tachycardia following the consumption of date palm extract Zolkiply, Izzatul Nadiah

373 S p. 6
11 CV risk factors associated with a higher risk of developing coronary artery disease among patients undergoing Computed Tomography calcium scoring Maskon, Oteh

373 S p. 5
12 Double jeopardy in one patient: A case report Muhamad@Hasnan, Syairah

373 S p. 11-12
13 Editorial Board
373 S p. IFC
14 Electrical storm in hyperthyroidism: A case report Iberahim, N.A.

373 S p. 10-11
15 Emergency pericardiocentesis in a district hospital with virtual live supervision Tey, H.Y.

373 S p. 1
16 Hepatitis B virus associated with disseminated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma invading the heart: A case report Zain, K.M.I. Mohd

373 S p. 2
17 Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) ECG changes mistaken for acute left main stem obstruction Awang, N.H.

373 S p. 1
18 Incidence and outcomes of patients with atrial high-rate episodes (AHRE) at a single, tertiary-care centre Singh, Jugindar Singh Gurpreet Pal

373 S p. 8
19 Lupus perimyocarditis as the initial presentation of an acute flare of SLE. ‘Defeating the old nemesis Jamaluddin, Farhan Rafiuddin

373 S p. 7
20 Marantic endocarditis – enigma that needs illumination Ismail, Hazwani

373 S p. 6
21 Methicillin sensitive staphylococcus aureus causing pericardial tamponade: A case report Zain, K.M.I. Mohd

373 S p. 2
22 Post Covid-19 with myocarditis: A case report Ramli, Nur Amalina

373 S p. 12-13
23 Ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneurysm dissecting into the interventricular septum: Sequelae of Takayasu's arteritis Kwan, L.L.

373 S p. 3
24 Stress-induced transient left bundle branch block Kamarulzaman, N.S.

373 S p. 12
25 Successful pregnancy in a patient with uncorrected atrial septal defect (ASD) complicated by pulmonary hypertension: A case report Konok, Muhammad Zulkifli

373 S p. 14
26 Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: A case report Jamaluddin, M.R.

373 S p. 4
27 The effect of trigona honey supplement therapy on vascular cognitive impairment in acute ischemic stroke patients Zarim, M.H.A.

373 S p. 13
28 The role of cardiac rehabilitation in improving cardiovascular outcomes Zarina Banu, A.

373 S p. 3
29 Use of guideline directed medical therapy for inpatient care for NSTEMI/ unstable angina in a small district hospital in East Coast region Awang, N.H.

373 S p. 9
                             29 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland