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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A review of the neurobiomechanical processes underlying secure gripping in object manipulation O’Shea, Helen

123 C p. 286-300
2 Autophagy status as a gateway for stress-induced catecholamine interplay in neurodegeneration Fornai, Francesco

123 C p. 238-256
3 Back to Basics: The Importance of Measurement Properties in Biological Psychiatry Moriarity, Daniel P.

123 C p. 72-82
4 Biomarkers of Pathological Dissociation: A Systematic Review Roydeva, Monika I.

123 C p. 120-202
5 Common and distinct neural correlates of music and food-induced pleasure: A coordinate-based meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies Mas-Herrero, Ernest

123 C p. 61-71
6 Critical integration in neural and cognitive systems: Beyond power-law scaling as the hallmark of soft assembly Aguilera, Miguel

123 C p. 230-237
7 Cumulative procedural pain and brain development in very preterm infants: A systematic review of clinical and preclinical studies Boggini, Tiziana

123 C p. 320-336
8 Distinct feedback actions of behavioural arousal to the master circadian clock in nocturnal and diurnal mammals Jha, Pawan Kumar

123 C p. 48-60
9 Drosophila reward system - A summary of current knowledge Dvořáček, Jiří

123 C p. 301-319
10 Dysregulation of kynurenine pathway and potential dynamic changes of kynurenine in schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis Cao, Bing

123 C p. 203-214
11 Editorial Board
123 C p. ii
12 Emotion recognition in nonhuman primates: How experimental research can contribute to a better understanding of underlying mechanisms Nieuwburg, Elisabeth G.I.

123 C p. 24-47
13 How higher goals are constructed and collapse under stress: A hierarchical Bayesian control systems perspective Goekoop, Rutger

123 C p. 257-285
14 Meta-analysis of light and circadian timekeeping in rodents Lee, Robert

123 C p. 215-229
15 Neural substrates of appetitive and aversive prediction error Iordanova, Mihaela D.

123 C p. 337-351
16 Prebiotic and probiotic supplementation and the tryptophan-kynurenine pathway: A systematic review and meta analysis Purton, Terry

123 C p. 1-13
17 Response-locked component of error monitoring in psychopathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of error-related negativity/positivity Vallet, William

123 C p. 104-119
18 Still no evidence that exergames improve cognitive ability: A commentary on Stanmore et al. (2017) Sala, Giovanni

123 C p. 352-353
19 Updating and characterizing neuroanatomical markers in high-risk subjects, recently diagnosed and chronic patients with schizophrenia: A revised coordinate-based meta-analysis Liloia, Donato

123 C p. 83-103
20 Why and how the brain weights contributions from a mixture of experts O’Doherty, John P.

123 C p. 14-23
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland