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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An emerging map of glutamate delta 1 receptors in the forebrain Andrews, Patrick C.

192 C p.
2 A novel dual agonist of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors and neuropeptide Y2 receptors attenuates fentanyl taking and seeking in male rats Zhang, Yafang

192 C p.
3 BK channel-forming slo1 proteins mediate the brain artery constriction evoked by the neurosteroid pregnenolone North, Kelsey C.

192 C p.
4 Contributions of neuroimmune and gut-brain signaling to vulnerability of developing substance use disorders Lucerne, Kelsey E.

192 C p.
5 Differential modulation of the anterior cingulate and insular cortices on anxiogenic-like responses induced by empathy for pain Benassi-Cezar, Giovana

192 C p.
6 Editorial Board
192 C p.
7 Ethanol inhibition of lateral orbitofrontal cortex neuron excitability is mediated via dopamine D1/D5 receptor-induced release of astrocytic glycine Nimitvilai-Roberts, Sudarat

192 C p.
8 Glutamate transporters: Critical components of glutamatergic transmission Rodríguez-Campuzano, Ada G.

192 C p.
9 Lateral habenula cannabinoid CB1 receptor involvement in drug-associated impulsive behavior Zapata, Agustin

192 C p.
10 Nalmefene, a mu opioid receptor antagonist/kappa opioid receptor partial agonist, potentiates cocaine motivation but not intake with extended access self-administration in adult male mice Windisch, Kyle A.

192 C p.
11 Neuronal adaptations in the lateral habenula during drug withdrawal: Preclinical evidence for addiction therapy Clerke, Joseph A.

192 C p.
12 NMDARs in prefrontal cortex – Regulation of synaptic transmission and plasticity Banks, Paul J

192 C p.
13 N,N-Dimethyltryptamine attenuates spreading depolarization and restrains neurodegeneration by sigma-1 receptor activation in the ischemic rat brain Szabó, Írisz

192 C p.
14 Oxytocin excites BNST interneurons and inhibits BNST output neurons to the central amygdala Francesconi, Walter

192 C p.
15 Rescue of striatal long-term depression by chronic mGlu5 receptor negative allosteric modulation in distinct dystonia models Martella, G.

192 C p.
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland