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                             36 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Activation of EphB2 in the basolateral amygdala promotes stress vulnerability of mice by increasing NMDA-dependent synaptic function Zhang, Jie-Ting

167 C p.
2 Adjunctive effect of the serotonin 5-HT2C receptor agonist lorcaserin on opioid-induced antinociception in mice Sierra, Salvador

167 C p.
3 A novel biscoumarin compound ameliorates cerebral ischemia reperfusion-induced mitochondrial oxidative injury via Nrf2/Keap1/ARE signaling Wang, Jun

167 C p.
4 A role for the neuropeptide somatostatin in the neurobiology of behaviors associated with substances abuse and affective disorders Robinson, Stacey L.

167 C p.
5 Biomarkers for epileptogenesis and its treatment Engel Jr., Jerome

167 C p.
6 Cannabidiol attenuates the rewarding effects of cocaine in rats by CB2, 5-HT1A and TRPV1 receptor mechanisms Galaj, Ewa

167 C p.
7 Chronic alcohol disrupts hypothalamic responses to stress by modifying CRF and NMDA receptor function Marty, Vincent N.

167 C p.
8 Correlation between the potency of hallucinogens in the mouse head-twitch response assay and their behavioral and subjective effects in other species Halberstadt, Adam L.

167 C p.
9 Different roles of distinct serotonergic pathways in anxiety-like behavior, antidepressant-like, and anti-impulsive effects Ohmura, Yu

167 C p.
10 Disease-modifying strategies in primary tauopathies Rösler, Thomas W.

167 C p.
11 Disease-modifying therapies in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Chiò, Adriano

167 C p.
12 Docosahexaenoic acid protects motor function and increases dopamine synthesis in a rat model of Parkinson's disease via mechanisms associated with increased protein kinase activity in the striatum Chitre, Neha Milind

167 C p.
13 Editorial Board
167 C p.
14 Effects of single-dose antipurinergic therapy on behavioral and molecular alterations in the valproic acid-induced animal model of autism Hirsch, Mauro Mozael

167 C p.
15 Epigenetics and epilepsy prevention: The therapeutic potential of adenosine and metabolic therapies Boison, Detlev

167 C p.
16 Female and male rats readily consume and prefer oxycodone to water in a chronic, continuous access, two-bottle oral voluntary paradigm Zanni, Giulia

167 C p.
17 Inflammation and reactive oxygen species as disease modifiers in epilepsy Terrone, Gaetano

167 C p.
18 Kappa opioid receptors in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis regulate binge-like alcohol consumption in male and female mice Haun, Harold L.

167 C p.
19 KCC2 antagonism and gabaergic synchronization in the entorhinal cortex in the absence of ionotropic glutamatergic receptor signalling Chen, Li-Yuan

167 C p.
20 Learned avoidance requires VTA KOR-mediated reductions in dopamine Robble, Mykel A.

167 C p.
21 Metabolism-based drug discovery in zebrafish: An emerging strategy to uncover new anti-seizure therapies Ibhazehiebo, Kingsley

167 C p.
22 Murine model of OPRM1 A118G alters oxycodone self-administration and locomotor activation, but not conditioned place preference Collins, Devon

167 C p.
23 Neurotensin in reward processes Torruella-Suárez, María Luisa

167 C p.
24 Nrf2 activator via interference of Nrf2-Keap1 interaction has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in Parkinson's disease animal model Kim, Siwon

167 C p.
25 Pharmacotherapy with sertraline rescues brain development and behavior in a mouse model of CDKL5 deficiency disorder Fuchs, Claudia

167 C p.
26 Regulation of aggressive behaviors by nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: Animal models, human genetics, and clinical studies Lewis, Alan S.

167 C p.
27 Safinamide inhibits in vivo glutamate release in a rat model of Parkinson's disease Pisanò, Clarissa A.

167 C p.
28 Salmon calcitonin distributes into the arcuate nucleus to a subset of NPY neurons in mice Zakariassen, Hannah Louise

167 C p.
29 Salvianolic acid A increases the accumulation of doxorubicin in brain tumors through Caveolae endocytosis Zhang, Cai

167 C p.
30 Targeting BDNF/TrkB pathways for preventing or suppressing epilepsy Lin, Thiri W.

167 C p.
31 The holy grail of epilepsy prevention: Preclinical approaches to antiepileptogenic treatments Löscher, Wolfgang

167 C p.
32 The hypocretin (orexin) system: from a neural circuitry perspective Li, Shi-Bin

167 C p.
33 The path from scientific discovery to cures for epilepsy Carvill, Gemma L.

167 C p.
34 The role of prolactin in co-ordinating fertility and metabolic adaptations during reproduction Ladyman, Sharon R.

167 C p.
35 The selective 5-HT1A receptor agonist, NLX-112, exerts anti-dyskinetic and anti-parkinsonian-like effects in MPTP-treated marmosets Fisher, Ria

167 C p.
36 Validated animal models for antiseizure drug (ASD) discovery: Advantages and potential pitfalls in ASD screening Barker-Haliski, Melissa

167 C p.
                             36 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland