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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Broad-specificity ELISA with a heterogeneous strategy for sensitive detection of microcystins and nodularin Lu, Ning

175 C p. 44-48
2 Comparison of thromboelastography versus conventional coagulation tests in simulated Crotalus atrox envenomation using human blood Fortner, Grady A.

175 C p. 19-27
3 Coral snake bites in Brazilian Amazonia: Perpetrating species, epidemiology and clinical aspects Bisneto, Pedro Ferreira

175 C p. 7-18
4 Determination of tetrodotoxin (TTX) levels in various tissues of the silver cheeked puffer fish (Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin, 1789)) in Northern Cyprus Sea (Eastern Mediterranean) Akbora, Hasan Deniz

175 C p. 1-6
5 Editorial Board
175 C p. ii
6 Nematocyst types and venom effects of Aurelia aurita and Velella velella from the Mediterranean Sea Killi, Nurçin

175 C p. 57-63
7 Portoamides A and B are mitochondrial toxins and induce cytotoxicity on the proliferative cell layer of in vitro microtumours Sousa, Maria Lígia

175 C p. 49-56
8 Structural insights into the interaction of botulinum neurotoxin a with its neuronal receptor SV2C Li, Xiaodan

175 C p. 36-43
9 Therapeutically relevant features of botulinum toxin drugs Dressler, Dirk

175 C p. 64-68
10 Zearalenone nephrotoxicity: DNA fragmentation, apoptotic gene expression and oxidative stress protected by Lactobacillus plantarum MON03 Ben Salah-Abbès, Jalila

175 C p. 28-35
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland