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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Capacity limitations in neurology patients, with and without comorbid mental disorders Neue, Diana Carolina

159 C p.
2 Editorial Board
159 C p.
3 Fatigue severity and avoidance among individuals with chronic disease: A meta-analysis Adamowicz, Jenna L.

159 C p.
4 Five-year mortality after hospitalisation for suicide attempt with a violent method Hirot, France

159 C p.
5 Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and timing of menopause and gynecological surgery in the Nurses' Health Study II Nishimi, Kristen

159 C p.
6 Potentially traumatic events, social support and burden of persistent somatic symptoms: A longitudinal study Barends, Hieke

159 C p.
7 Quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome: Exploring mediating factors through structural equation modelling Trindade, Inês A.

159 C p.
8 Research participants recruited using online labor markets may feign medical conditions and overreport symptoms: Caveat emptor Ysidron, Dominic W.

159 C p.
9 Risk of self-harm in post TIA patients: A population-based cohort study Tang, Wai Kwong

159 C p.
10 The association of depressive and anxiety symptoms with the metabolic syndrome and its components among Russian, Somali, and Kurdish origin adults in Finland: A population-based study Skogberg, Natalia

159 C p.
11 The clinical complexity of patients with acromegaly Kobyłko, Agnieszka

159 C p.
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland