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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Dactylogyridae 2022: a meta-analysis of phylogenetic studies and generic diagnoses of parasitic flatworms using published genetic and morphological data Kmentová, Nikol

52 7 p. 427-457
2 Editorial board
52 7 p. IFC
3 First elucidation of a didymozoid life cycle: Saccularina magnacetabula n. gen. n. sp. infecting an arcid bivalve Louvard, Clarisse

52 7 p. 407-425
4 How might Gyrodactylus parasitism modify trade-offs between female preference and susceptibility of males to predation in Trinidadian guppies? Heckley, Alexis M.

52 7 p. 459-467
5 Investigating how clathrin adaptor complex AP-2 participates in Giardia lamblia encystation Feliziani, Constanza

52 7 p. 399-406
6 Is parasite taxonomy really in trouble? A quantitative analysis Poulin, Robert

52 7 p. 469-474
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland