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                             45 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accuracy of image data stream of a markerless motion capture system in determining the local dynamic stability and joint kinematics of human gait Chakraborty, Saikat

104 C p.
2 A multivariate statistical strategy to adjust musculoskeletal models Arroyave-Tobón, Santiago

104 C p.
3 A solution method for predictive simulations in a stochastic environment Koelewijn, Anne D.

104 C p.
4 Biomechanical analysis of common solid waste collection throwing techniques using OpenSim and an EMG-assisted solver Molinaro, Dean D.

104 C p.
5 Biomechanical differences during ascent on regular stairs and on a stairmill Chang, Biing-Chwen

104 C p.
6 Body coordination during sit-to-stand in blind and sighted female children Aylar, Mozhgan Faraji

104 C p.
7 Classification of tracheal stenosis in children based on computational aerodynamics Poynot, William J.

104 C p.
8 Comprehensive analysis of effective reflection distance and its association with wave reflection strength under diverse hemodynamic conditions in anesthetized dogs Uemura, Kazunori

104 C p.
9 Correction of bias in the estimation of cell volume fraction from histology sections Liu, Yanxin

104 C p.
10 Determining the impacts of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation on cerebral oxygenation using a one-dimensional blood flow simulator Feiger, Bradley

104 C p.
11 Editorial Board
104 C p.
12 Effect of changes in the lumbar posture in lifting on trunk muscle and spinal loads: A combined in vivo, musculoskeletal, and finite element model study Khoddam-Khorasani, P.

104 C p.
13 Effect of intervertebral disc degeneration on mechanical and electric signals at the interface between disc and vertebra Zhu, Qiaoqiao

104 C p.
14 Effect of testing temperature on the nanostructural response of tendon to tensile mechanical overload KarisAllen, Jason J.

104 C p.
15 Effects of aging and target location on reaction time and accuracy of lateral precision stepping during walking Selgrade, Brian P.

104 C p.
16 Effects of nucleus pulposus location on spinal loads and joint centers of rotation and reaction during forward flexion: A combined finite element and Musculoskeletal study Liu, Tao

104 C p.
17 Effects of the soft tissue artefact on the hip joint kinematics during unrestricted activities of daily living D'Isidoro, Fabio

104 C p.
18 Experimental and numerical study on the performance of printed alginate/hyaluronic acid/halloysite nanotube/polyvinylidene fluoride bio-scaffolds Roushangar Zineh, Babak

104 C p.
19 Experimental study of prosthesis modifications based on passive dynamic walking model: A limit cycle stability analysis Moradi, Vahideh

104 C p.
20 Experimental thermal analysis of a novel prosthetic socket along with silicone and PCM liners Rezvanifar, S. Cyrus

104 C p.
21 Exploring the regional disc bulge response of the cervical porcine intervertebral disc under varying loads and posture Fewster, Kayla M.

104 C p.
22 Expressing angles relative to reference postures: A mathematical comparison of four approaches Barrett, Jeff M.

104 C p.
23 Extending the center of pressure to incorporate handhold forces: Derivation and sample application Borrelli, J.

104 C p.
24 Finite element analysis of MitraClip procedure on a patient-specific model with functional mitral regurgitation Kong, Fanwei

104 C p.
25 Free-leg side elevation of pelvis in single-leg jump is a substantial advantage over double-leg jump for jumping height generation Sado, Natsuki

104 C p.
26 Functional tooth mobility in young pigs Salamati, Atriya

104 C p.
27 How healthy older adults regulate lateral foot placement while walking in laterally destabilizing environments Kazanski, Meghan E.

104 C p.
28 Impact of sleeping position, gravitational force & effective tissue stiffness on obstructive sleep apnoea Bafkar, Omid

104 C p.
29 Impact of visual signals on axial segmental control during walking in patients with vestibular disorder and healthy persons Zhang, Fang

104 C p.
30 Importance of toe flexor strength in vertical jump performance Yamauchi, Junichiro

104 C p.
31 Incorporation of vasculature in a head injury model lowers local mechanical strains in dynamic impact Zhao, Wei

104 C p.
32 In-home neurogaming: Demonstrating the impact of valid gesture recognition method on high volume kinematic outcomes Worthen-Chaudhari, Lise C.

104 C p.
33 Mechanical adaptions of collective cells nearby free tissue boundaries Lv, Jian-Qing

104 C p.
34 Mechanical behavior of biomimetically mineralized collagen matrix using the polymer – induced liquid precursor process Zhao, Lei

104 C p.
35 Microniche geometry modulates the mechanical properties and calcium signaling of chondrocytes Zhang, Quan-You

104 C p.
36 Optimization of muscle activation schemes in a finite element neck model simulating volunteer frontal impact scenarios Correia, Matheus A.

104 C p.
37 Positioning and baby devices impact infant spinal muscle activity Siddicky, Safeer F.

104 C p.
38 Propulsion biomechanics do not differ between athletic and nonathletic manual wheelchair users in their daily wheelchairs Briley, Simon J.

104 C p.
39 Reliability and sensitivity of an instrument for measuring the midfoot passive mechanical properties Magalhães, Fabrício Anicio

104 C p.
40 Shear stress rosettes capture the complex flow physics in diseased arteries Vamsi Krishna, C.

104 C p.
41 Smart orthopaedic implants: A targeted approach for continuous postoperative evaluation in the spine Ramakrishna, Vivek A.S.

104 C p.
42 The consequences of dehydration-hydration on bone anisotropy and implications on the sublamellar organization of mineralized collagen fibrils Utku, Feride Sermin

104 C p.
43 Time-scale mechanical behaviors of locust semi-lunar process cuticles under power amplification for rapid movements Wan, Chao

104 C p.
44 Total knee arthroplasty reduces knee extension torque in-vitro and patellofemoral arthroplasty does not Joseph, Michelle N.

104 C p.
45 Whole-body dynamic stability in side cutting: Implications for markers of lower limb injury risk and change of direction performance Sankey, Sean P.

104 C p.
                             45 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland