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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A platform for efficient establishment and drug-response profiling of high-grade serous ovarian cancer organoids Senkowski, Wojciech

58 12 p. 1106-1121.e7
2 Immune mechanisms shape the clonal landscape during early progression of prostate cancer Tshering, Lara F.

58 12 p. 1071-1086.e8
3 Optogenetic manipulation identifies the roles of ERK and AKT dynamics in controlling mouse embryonic stem cell exit from pluripotency Arekatla, Geethika

58 12 p. 1022-1036.e4
4 Polycomb Ezh1 maintains murine muscle stem cell quiescence through non-canonical regulation of Notch signaling Feng, Xuesong

58 12 p. 1052-1070.e10
5 Quantitative proteomic profiling identifies global protein network dynamics in murine embryonic heart development Edwards, Whitney

58 12 p. 1087-1105.e4
6 Reshaping of the tumor microenvironment by cellular senescence: An opportunity for senotherapies D’Ambrosio, Mariantonietta

58 12 p. 1007-1021
7 Shedding light on stem cells: Optogenetics uncover the role of ERK dynamics in pluripotency Moverley, Adam A.

58 12 p. 1005-1006
8 Transcription factor induction of vascular blood stem cell niches in vivo Hagedorn, Elliott J.

58 12 p. 1037-1051.e4
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland