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  Performance analysis of LTE multiuser flat downlink power spectrum and radio resources scheduling
Titel: Performance analysis of LTE multiuser flat downlink power spectrum and radio resources scheduling
Auteur: Abuhaija, Belal
Verschenen in: Journal of high speed networks
Paginering: Jaargang 18 (2012) nr. 3 pagina's 173-184
Jaar: 2012-10-25
Inhoud: Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology is becoming the de-facto NGN mobile access network. In order to deliver multimedia contents and services, higher data rates and low latency is required. The new planned LTE base stations can deliver on high data throughput at lower latency than available cellular networks. However, this deployment comes at an increased complexity of radio resources scheduling and power allocations. More than one half of the network operating cost comes from electrical energy. Therefore, one aim of the network operators is to reduce cellular networks power consumption. In this paper, a simulation study of three proposed scheduling algorithms are studied under base station flat power spectrum constraints. LTE cell deployment is evaluated and analyzed to maximize cell throughput, while preventing cell edge customers from starvation. Studying the performance of flat cell power requirements, cell coverage, resource scheduling and maximum throughput is another aim of this paper. Average service mean time is a concept we introduce as a measure of the system efficiency.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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