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  iBoost: Boosting using an instance-based exponential weighting scheme
Titel: iBoost: Boosting using an instance-based exponential weighting scheme
Auteur: Karmaker, Amitava
Yoon, Kihoon
Nguyen, Chau
Kwek, Stephen
Verschenen in: International journal of hybrid intelligent systems
Paginering: Jaargang 4 (2007) nr. 4 pagina's 243-254
Jaar: 2007-12-26
Inhoud: AdaBoost is a well-recognized ensemble method to improve prediction accuracy over the base learning algorithm. However, it is prone to overfitting the training instances [18]. Freund, Mansour and Schapire [5] established that using exponential weighting scheme in combining classifiers reduces the problem of overfitting. Also, Helmbold, Kwek and Pitt [7] showed in the prediction using a pool of experts framework an instance-based weighting scheme improves performance. Motivated by these results, we propose here an instance-based exponential weighting scheme in which the weights of the base classifiers are adjusted according to the test instance x. Here, a competency classifier c_i is constructed for each base classifier h_i to predict whether the base classifier's guess of x's label can be trusted and adjust the weight of h_i accordingly. We show that this instance-based exponential weighting scheme enhances the performance of AdaBoost.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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