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  Selenium in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis
Titel: Selenium in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis
Auteur: Gärtner, Roland
Gasnier, Barbara C.H.
Verschenen in: BioFactors
Paginering: Jaargang 19 (2004) nr. 3-4 pagina's 165-170
Jaar: 2004-02-02
Inhoud: We recently conducted a prospective, placebo-controlled clinical study, where we could demonstrate, that a substitution of 200 µg sodium selenite for three months in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis reduced thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPO-Ab) concentrations significantly. Forty-seven patients from the initially 70 patients agreed to participate in a follow-up cross-over study for further six months. One group (n = 13), which initially received selenium continued to take 200 µg sodium selenite (Se-Se), one group stopped taking selenium (Se-0) (n = 9), another group which received placebo started to take 200 µg selenium (n = 14) (Plac-Se) and the last group was without selenium substitution (Plac-0) (n = 11). TPO-Ab concentrations were measured at beginning and the end of the study. In the Se-Se group, the TPO-Ab concentrations further significantly (p = 0.004) decreased from 625 ± 470 U/ml to 354 ± 321 U/ml, in the Se-0 group the TPO-Ab concentrations increased significantly (p = 0.017) from 450 ± 335 to 708 ± 313 U/ml. In the placebo group, the TPO-Ab concentrations in those patients who were followed without selenium substitution were unchanged (1351 ± 940 vs. 1724 ± 1112 U/ml, p = 0.555). In contrast, the patients who received 200µg sodium selenite after placebo, the TPO-Ab concentrations decreased significantly (p = 0.029) from 1182 ± 723 to 643 ± 477 U/ml.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 10 van 13 gevonden artikelen
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