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                                       Details van artikel 67 van 91 gevonden artikelen
  Possible roles of the dominant uncinate fasciculus in naming objects: A case report of intraoperative electrical stimulation on a patient with a brain tumour
Titel: Possible roles of the dominant uncinate fasciculus in naming objects: A case report of intraoperative electrical stimulation on a patient with a brain tumour
Auteur: Nomura, Keiko
Kazui, Hiroaki
Tokunaga, Hiromasa
Hirata, Masayuki
Goto, Tetsu
Goto, Yuko
Hashimoto, Naoya
Yoshimine, Toshiki
Takeda, Masatoshi
Verschenen in: Behavioural neurology
Paginering: Jaargang 27 (2012) nr. 2 pagina's 229-234
Jaar: 2012-12-14
Inhoud: How the dominant uncinate fasciculus (UF) contributes to naming performance is uncertain. In this case report, a patient with an astrocytoma near the dominant UF was given a picture-naming task during intraoperative electrical stimulation in order to resect as much tumourous tissues as possible without impairing the dominant UF function. Here we report that the stimulations with the picture-naming task also provided some insights into how the dominant UF contributes to naming performance. The stimulation induced naming difficulty, verbal paraphasia, and recurrent and continuous perseveration. Moreover, just after producing the incorrect responses, the patient displayed continuous perseveration even though the stimulation had ended. The left UF connects to the inferior frontal lobe, which is necessary for word production, so that the naming difficulty appears to be the result of disrupted word production caused by electrical stimulation of the dominant UF. The verbal paraphasia appears to be due to the failure to select the correct word from semantic memory and the failure to suppress the incorrect word. The left UF is associated with working memory, which plays an important role in recurrent perseveration. The continuous perseveration appears to be due to disturbances in word production and a failure to inhibit an appropriate response. These findings in this case suggest that the dominant UF has multiple roles in the naming of objects.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 67 van 91 gevonden artikelen
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