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                                       Details van artikel 77 van 127 gevonden artikelen
  Impact Analysis of Recent DDoS Attacks
Titel: Impact Analysis of Recent DDoS Attacks
Auteur: Ketki Arora
Krishan Kumar,
Monika Sachdeva
Verschenen in: International journal on computer science and engineering
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (2011) nr. 2 pagina's 877-883
Jaar: 2011
Inhoud: In the present era Internet has changed the way of traditional essential services such as banking, transportation, power, health, and defence being operated. These operations are being replacedby cheaper, more efficient Internet-based applications. It is all because of rapid growth and success of Internet in every sector. Unfortunately with the growth of Internet, count of attacks on Internet has also increased incredibly fast. Denial-of-service attack is one of them, which poses immense threat on the availability. Since, the World is highly dependent on the Internet, availability of the Internet is very critical for the socio-economic growth of the society. Denial-of-service attacks occur almost every day,and the frequency and the volume of these attacks are increasing day by day. One of the biggest challenges before researchers is to find the details of such attacks because due to damaging reputationissues, most of the commercial sites do not even disclose that they were blitzed by such attacks. Details of attacks can guide very well in the formulation of comprehensive defensive solution for such attacks. In this paper, an overview on DDoS problem, major factors causing DDoS attacks are demonstrated, brief detail of most recent DDoS incidents on online organizations is outlined and finally, the need for a comprehensive distributed solution is highlighted.
Uitgever: Engg Journals Publications (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 77 van 127 gevonden artikelen
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