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  A Novel FPCM Based Vector Quantizer Codebook Design for Image Compression in the Wavelet Packet Domain
Titel: A Novel FPCM Based Vector Quantizer Codebook Design for Image Compression in the Wavelet Packet Domain
Auteur: R. Nagendran
P. Arockia Jansi Rani
Verschenen in: The international journal of multimedia & its applications
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2010) nr. 1 pagina's 1-8
Jaar: 2010
Inhoud: This paper presents a novel Vector Quantizer codebook design using Fuzzy Possibilistic C Means(FPCM) clustering technique for image compression using Wavelet Packet. The idea is to achieve highercompression ratio based on clustering the wavelet coefficients of each Wavelet Packet Tree (WPT) bands.The methodology applied here is to apply WPT to the whole image. The sub blocks are decomposed intotwo level Wavelet Packet Tree where the coefficients of LL band’s(approximation and details), LHband’s(approximation), HL band’s(approximation), HH band’s (approximation) are clustered usingFPCM. The centroids of each cluster is arranged in the form of a codebook and indexed. The indexvalues are coded and then transmitted across. The image is reconstructed using the inverse WPT followedby rearranging and the subsequent encoder. The results show that the psycho-visual fidelity criteria (bothsubjective and objective measures) of the proposed FPCM technique do better than the other existingmethods.
Uitgever: Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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