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  Comparison between the calculated and measured dose distributions for four beams of 6 MeV linac in a human-equivalent phantom
Titel: Comparison between the calculated and measured dose distributions for four beams of 6 MeV linac in a human-equivalent phantom
Auteur: Reda Sonia M.
Massoud Eman
Bashter Ibrahem I.
Amin Esmat A.
Verschenen in: Nuclear technology & radiation protection
Paginering: Jaargang 21 (2006) nr. 2 pagina's 67-72
Jaar: 2006
Inhoud: Radiation dose distributions in various parts of the body are of importance in radiotherapy. Also, the percent depth dose at different body depths is an important parameter in radiation therapy applications. Monte Carlo simulation techniques are the most accurate methods for such purposes. Monte Carlo computer calculations of photon spectra and the dose ratios at surfaces and in some internal organs of a human equivalent phantom were performed. In the present paper, dose distributions in different organs during bladder radiotherapy by 6 MeV X-rays were measured using thermoluminescence dosimetry placed at different points in the human-phantom. The phantom was irradiated in exactly the same manner as in actual bladder radiotherapy. Four treatment fields were considered to maximize the dose at the center of the target and minimize it at non-target healthy organs. All experimental setup information was fed to the MCNP-4b code to calculate dose distributions at selected points inside the proposed phantom. Percent depth dose distribution was performed. Also, the absorbed dose as ratios relative to the original beam in the surrounding organs was calculated by MCNP-4b and measured by thermoluminescence dosimetry. Both measured and calculated data were compared. Results indicate good agreement between calculated and measured data inside the phantom. Comparison between MCNP-4b calculations and measurements of depth dose distribution indicated good agreement between both.
Uitgever: VINČA Institute of Nuclear Sciences (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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