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                                       Details for article 52 of 79 found articles
  On some families of arbitrarily vertex decomposable spiders
Title: On some families of arbitrarily vertex decomposable spiders
Author: Tomasz Juszczyk
Irmina A. Zioło
Appeared in: Opuscula mathematica
Paging: Volume 30 (2010) nr. 2 pages 147-154
Year: 2010
Contents: A graph $G$ of order $n$ is called arbitrarily vertex decomposable if for each sequence $(n_1, ..., n_k)$ of positive integers such that $\sum _{i=1}^{k} n_i = n$, there exists a partition $(V_1, ..., V_k)$ of the vertex set of $G$ such that for every $i \in \{1, ...., k\}$ the set $V_i$ induces a connected subgraph of $G$ on $n_i$ vertices. A spider is a tree with one vertex of degree at least 3. We characterize two families of arbitrarily vertex decomposable spiders which are homeomorphic to stars with at most four hanging edges.
Publisher: AGH University of Science and Technology (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 52 of 79 found articles
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