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                                       Details van artikel 45 van 58 gevonden artikelen
  The Golden Middle: Aligning Technology, Professional Development, and Learning
Titel: The Golden Middle: Aligning Technology, Professional Development, and Learning
Auteur: Allison Goedde
Cynthia D. Bertelsen
John M. Fischer
Verschenen in: Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology
Paginering: Jaargang 1 (2005) nr. 1 pagina's 40-47
Jaar: 2005
Inhoud: This paper will describe and analyze key aspects in the creation of a multimedia curriculum linking professional development with literacy and social studies concepts and targeted at teachers and students in the third and fourth grade. It was expected that the outcome of the originally planned professional development was teachers would adopt the use of the curriculum to accomplish content goals in the areas of language arts and social studies while seamlessly integrating technology. The outcome of professional development for the OhioTrek curriculum was the wide use of one component rather than the multi-faceted technological project. Teacher readiness for multimedia curriculum and adaptability of techniques cannot happen without the existence of an organized system of professional development and administrator support for technology.
Uitgever: Kent State University (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 45 van 58 gevonden artikelen
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