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  RESISTÊNCIA DE TOMATEIRO (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) A Stemphylium solani Weber RESISTANCE OF TOMATO (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) TO THE Stemphylium solani Weber
Title: RESISTÊNCIA DE TOMATEIRO (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) A Stemphylium solani Weber RESISTANCE OF TOMATO (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) TO THE Stemphylium solani Weber
Author: Reinaldo Soares de Paula
Wilson Ferreira de Oliveira
Appeared in: Pesquisa agropecuária tropical
Paging: Volume 31 (2007) nr. 2 pages 139-145
Year: 2007
Contents: <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } --> <p class="western" align="justify">Na Região Centro-Oeste, dadas as condições climáticas, o tomateiro pode ser cultivado o ano inteiro. A produção, no entanto, é baixa e bastante onerosa, em função de diferentes fatores dentre os quais incluem-se as doenças de diferentes etiologias, com destaque para a fúngica provocada por <em>Stemphylium</em> <em>solani</em>, responsável por danos de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa no tomate. Conduziram-se experimentos na Escola de Agronomia da Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia - GO, a uma altitude de 730 m, latitude de 16° 41’S e longitude de 49° 17’W, com temperatura, umidade relativa e precipitação pluviométrica (médias) de 23ºC, 82,7 e 62,7mm, respectivamente. O objetivo principal era testar níveis de resistência de variedades comerciais, genótipos pertencentes ao banco de germoplasma da Embrapa-CNPH e geração F1 de tomateiro, em condições de campo a <em>S. solani</em>. As avaliações foram realizadas aos 36, 43, 50, 57, 64, 71, 78 e 85 dias, após o transplantio, combinando escala diagramática e de notas. A diferenciação dos genótipos foi feita através da análise de variância dos valores da área abaixo da curva de progresso de doença, pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade e pelo modelo logístico. Dentre as cultivares avaliadas quanto à resistência e/ou à suscetibilidade a <em>S. solani</em>, Ohio 4013, Yoshimatusu e TSW-10 comportaram-se como resistentes, entre os tutorados. Entre os rasteiros, verificou-se este fato na geração F1 (Hawaii 7998 x Monense). Os genótipos Ohio 4013 e o F1 (Hawaii 7998 x Monense) foram os que mais se destacaram para resistência a este patógeno, podendo ser indicados para futuros programas de melhoramento.</p> <p class="western" align="justify">PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Tomateiro; resistência; <em>Stemphylium solani</em>.</p> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } --> <p class="western" align="justify">In the climate conditions of the Brazilian central west regions, tomato can be cultivated the whole year. However, the production is low and quite onerous in function of different factors Besides, different diseases affect the crop. Among the most being the fungal important is the fungi <em>Stemphylium solani</em>, responsible for damages of qualitative and quantitative nature in tomato. With the objective of finding a way to minimize the effect of these pathogen, an experiment was conduced at the experimental fields of the Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia-GO, Brazil. It is located at an altitude of 730 m, latitude of 16° 41’S and longitude of 49° 17’W, with temperature varying among 20 to for 40ºC, relative humidity (average of the month) of 80% in August, 83% in September and 85% in October. Precipitation in August, September and October of 1999 was respectively 0.0 mm, 69.6 mm, and 118.4 mm. The main objectives were to test levels of resistance of commercial varieties, genotypes belonging to the bank of germoplasm of Embrapa-CNPH and F1 generations of tomato Lycopersicon esculentum in field conditions to <em>S. solani</em>. The evaluations were accomplished at the 36, 43, 50, 57, 64, 71, 78 and 85 days after the seedlings planting combining diagramatic scale and grades. Was considered the percentage of infected area on the leaf (PIAL) and the also grades: 1 – without symptoms; 2 – spraid lesions; 3 – gathering lesions; 4 – partial dryness of the leaf; 5 – death of the leaf and 6 – death of the plant. The differentiation among genotypes was made through analysis of variance of the values of area under disease progress curve and by of Tukey’s test at the level of 5% of probability and also the logistic model. Regarding resistance to <em>S.</em> <em>solani</em>, Ohio 4013, Yoshimatusu and TSW-10 behaved as resistant, among the indeterminate. Among the determined ones, F1 (Hawaii 7998 x Monense) showed higher resistance. The genotypes Ohio 4013 and the F1 (Hawaii 7998 x Monense) were the ones that more stood out for resistance to these pathogens and could be suitable for future breeding programs.</p> <p class="western">KEY-WORDS: Tomato; resistance; <em>Stemphylium solani</em>.</p>
Publisher: Escola de Agronomia e Engenharia de Alimentos - UFG (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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