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                                       Details van artikel 22 van 160 gevonden artikelen
  An Overview on Hiding Information Technique in Images
Titel: An Overview on Hiding Information Technique in Images
Auteur: Ali K. Hmood
B.B. Zaidan
A.A. Zaidan
Hamid A. Jalab
Verschenen in: Journal of applied sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 10 (2010) nr. 18 pagina's 2094-2100
Jaar: 2010
Inhoud: In the last few years, we have seen many new and powerful steganography techniques reported in the literature. Steganography is the art of communicating a message by embedding it into multimedia data. It is desired to maximize the amount of hidden information (embedding rate) while preserving security against detection by unauthorized parties. Many different carrier file formats can be used, but digital images are the most popular because of their frequency on the Internet. For hiding secret information in images, there exists a large variety of steganographic techniques some are more complex than others and all of them have respective strong and weak points. In this study intends to offer a state of the art overview of the hiding information technique using image file as a cover carrier to illustrate the possibility of using the image for hiding secure information for business and personal use.
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 22 van 160 gevonden artikelen
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