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                                       Details van artikel 123 van 160 gevonden artikelen
  Reworking the Analytical Framework for Plantain and Banana (Musa sp.) Innovation System in Nigeria for Improved Learning and Capacity Development
Titel: Reworking the Analytical Framework for Plantain and Banana (Musa sp.) Innovation System in Nigeria for Improved Learning and Capacity Development
Auteur: B.O. Faturoti
M.C. Madukwe
E.M. Igbokwe
A.E. Agwu
Verschenen in: Journal of applied sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 10 (2010) nr. 18 pagina's 2068-2077
Jaar: 2010
Inhoud: A framework for plantain and banana innovation system in Nigeria, where learning and capacity development will be fully realised was presented to replace the existing framework which was modelled along the now moribund top-down approach which T and V system of extension methods set out to correct. Actors in plantain and banana innovation system were classified into 5 groups based on their actions (research, technology transfer, government agencies, farmers and marketers) Data were collected in eleven Nigeria states from a total of 95 respondents, on capacity development, resource capabilities, learning and learning alliances among stakeholders in the innovation system. The result revealed IITA, NIHORT and NSPRI as the major technology generating agencies in plantain and banana innovation system In Nigeria. Above average linkage index was recorded from 7 of the 18 stakeholders IITA (57.6%), university (69.2%), ADP (65.6%), plantain and banana cooperative (53.9%), plantain and banana farmers (77.6%), plantain and banana marketers (70.1) and plantain and banana consumers (55.8%). The study concluded that a framework for plantain and banana innovation system should be that with multi-dimensional interactions among stakeholders with the end users at the centre of all actions, which will allow a demand-supply pool that will make technology so generated needed and utilised for greater social and economic benefits in plantain and banana innovation system in Nigeria.
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 123 van 160 gevonden artikelen
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