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  Recovery and Valorisation by Flotation of Treatment Rejections to the Phosphates Case of Djebel-Onk Algeria
Titel: Recovery and Valorisation by Flotation of Treatment Rejections to the Phosphates Case of Djebel-Onk Algeria
Auteur: Bouzenzana Abdellali
Verschenen in: Journal of applied sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 7 (2007) nr. 18 pagina's 2551-2559
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: The main aim of this study is to develop a technological method for the valorization of the phosphate discharges for the case of Djebel-Onk located in Algeria. The method of enrichment, in use, does not give good results because losses in TPL rejections are important. The improvement of technology as well as the development of certain modern methods made it possible to reach very high contents of TPL. Thus, it is needed to think of improving the already existing technological chain in order to allow a higher recovery of useful mineral. According to the literature review and the world practice in the field of carbonated phosphates, it can be noticed that several factories treat phosphate with 11% in P2O5, level of which the enrichment remains rational and economical. The treatment of the rejections for the particular case of Djebel-Onk becomes necessary since it largely exceeds 20%. Moreover, it was proved that the most widely used method gives the best results is the reverse flotation. The advantage of this method is the mode of the reagents which remains unchanged in the two stages of flotation, except the medium (acid for the flotation of carbonates and basic for the flotation of phosphates). The geological investigation of the layer shows the phosphate is in the state of a mineral pseudolitic. The dimensions of phosphatic oolites vary from 600 to 100 ?m. In addition, they are regularly distributed between the various classes of particle-size. That encourages us to introduce the crushing factor (release of the phosphatic particles) and to study its interaction with the reagents of flotation via the qualitative characteristics of the concentrates finally obtained. The present research concerns the valorization of the discharges of phosphate with an industrial process, where the consumption of the reagents most used for the enrichment of phosphates is highlighted and to study the consumption-quality ratio (reagents concentrated) and their interaction with the degree of crushing.
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information, Pakistan (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 120 van 160 gevonden artikelen
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