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                                       Details for article 7 of 13 found articles
  Les madrilènes face à la violence: la pratique du pardon privé au XVIIe siècle
Title: Les madrilènes face à la violence: la pratique du pardon privé au XVIIe siècle
Author: Caporossi, Olivier
Appeared in: Hispania sacra
Paging: Volume 60 (2008) nr. 121 pages 231-266
Year: 2008
Contents: This work offers to study the apartamientos established by the Madrilenians in the 17th century and kept in the pardons of Good Friday or in the statements of injured people in the general hospital of the town. They are studied not only as legal transactions but, above all, as religious speeches at the origin of an exorcising of individual violence and as determined by many religious models after the origin of an exorcising of individual violence ans as determined by many religious models were able to promote peace, to create censorship on the contents of the apartamientos and influence even the legals models.<br><br>Este trabajo propone estudiar los apartamientos de los madrileños del siglo XVII, y conservados en los perdones reales del Viernes Sancto o en las declaraciones de los heridos del Hospital General de la villa, no sólo como actas judiciales sino más bien como unos discursos religiosos, fundadores de una exorcización de la violencia individual y determinados por numerosos modelos religiosos. Se demuestra la capacidad de estos modelos discursivos e ideológicos para promover la concordia, ejercer una censura sobre el discurso del apartamiento e influir sobre los propios modelos jurídicos.
Publisher: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 7 of 13 found articles
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