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  A Comparative Study between the Efficacy of 17-alpha-Hydroxy Progesterone Caproate Plus Salbutamol with Magnesium Sulfate in Treatment of Preterm Labor
Titel: A Comparative Study between the Efficacy of 17-alpha-Hydroxy Progesterone Caproate Plus Salbutamol with Magnesium Sulfate in Treatment of Preterm Labor
Auteur: F. Moramezi
M. Barati
N. Saadati
S. Masihi
M. Hemadi
Verschenen in: International journal of pharmacology
Paginering: Jaargang 7 (2011) nr. 1 pagina's 130-134
Jaar: 2011
Inhoud: This study was a comparison between salbutamol plus 17-αHP and magnesium sulfate for the prevention of PTL. One hundred and four of patients admitted for prevention of PTL were randomly assigned to two groups having 52 patients in each group. One group was given 5 mg salbutamol in 500 mL of 5% D/S, at a dose of 10 μ min-1 to a maximum of 45 μ min-1 until contraction ceased or side effects started, then we initiated soon, 250 mg of 17-αHP, it was administrated by weekly intramuscular injection and was continued until 36 weeks 6 days or delivery. Another group was given 10 g magnesium sulfate intramuscular then 5 g every four hours until contraction ceased or side effects started. Successful tocolysis achieved similar in each group. Mean uterine contraction ceasing time in group I was 5.4 h and in group II, 16.8 h. The delay in the delivery till 37 weeks of gestation in group II was lower and this differences is due to administration of in group I.Salbutamol and magnesium sulfate are equally effective regarding delay of delivery in first 48 h, but salbutamol plus 17-αHP prevents preterm labor if be continued 36 weeks 6 days.
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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