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  The IOC as an international organization
Titel: The IOC as an international organization
Verschenen in: Choregia
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2006) nr. 1-2 pagina's 91-102
Jaar: 2006
Inhoud: The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the role of the International Olympic Committee as an International Organization in the field of interdependent world politics. Contemporary international community is organized on the basis of international organizations that contribute to the cooperation and understanding of the people especially in areas that enjoy human recognition worldwide. These organizations may function as agents of world solidarity and aim directly or indirectly at the promotion of understanding between people and consequently at the establishment of peace. They also carry out activities that aim at influencing national and international politics relevant to their respective goals. In this field, the IOC, as the most important International Non-Governmental Organization in the field of sport, plays a significant role. With an activity spanning more than a century, the IOC has been able to unify nations under the notion of Olympic ideals. This article aims at contributing partly to the theoretical discussion concerning the ability of the IOC to act as an International Non Governmental Organization and fit in the pieces of world governance in terms of structure and activities. More specifically, it examines this ability in relation to the following facts: a) the IOC enjoys international recognition and has a well-established international network, b) it has a dynamic character and c) it has the authority and financial capacity to function on international and national level as the representative of its 202 members, the National Olympic Committees (NOCs).
Uitgever: Greek Center for Sport Science Research (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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