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  The politics of Taíno revivalism: the insignificance of Amerindian mtDNA in the population history of Puerto Ricans. A comment on recent research
Titel: The politics of Taíno revivalism: the insignificance of Amerindian mtDNA in the population history of Puerto Ricans. A comment on recent research
Auteur: Haslip Viera, Gabriel
Verschenen in: Centro journal
Paginering: Jaargang XVIII (2006) nr. 1 pagina's 260-275
Jaar: 2006
Inhoud: This article responds to statements made most recently in the fall of 2005, namely, that Amerindian/Taíno mitochondrial DNA is an important factor in the genetic/biological history of Puerto Ricans. Based on demographic/historical evidence, the article raises questions about the claimed significance of findings that show that 61.3% of Puerto Rican islanders have Amerindian mitochondrial DNA, which is passed exclusively through the female line. It is noted that this type of genetic material could have been passed to a Puerto Rican alive today by a single Taíno/Amerindian female living in the 16th century, that (technically) a small Amerindian/Taíno ¿founder population¿ of only about 135 individuals could have generated the results judged to be significant, and that mitochondrial DNA is a very poor analytical tool for use in determining the actual biological history of ethnically mixed populations¿including Puerto Ricans, who are overwhelmingly European and African in origin according to well-documented historical evidence.
Uitgever: City University of New York : Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 142 van 154 gevonden artikelen
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